kileens anti social housing protests

Considering their objections to new houses being built in the northside can you be sure both Nugent and Gould are pro housing
Tommy Gould was all for the new huge LDA scheme in Shanakiel.

Then he was against it due to the "local communities must be consulted" faux concerns (People in housing stopping others getting a roof over their heads).

Now he is kinda for the scheme again.

Who knows?
Wouldn't the right wing "immigrants unwelcome" mob be more at home with the right wing Fine Gaelers and/or their former candidates like Verona Murphy. Blueshirts have form for this kind of thing

You'd think so but as I'm sure you know SF public reps getting plenty of feedback from their voters and it's not all of the "where is the next "immigrants welcome" counter protest" type of feedeback!!

Even DOL who tweets about everything on his SM account (including Tommy's call for tea service to be restored on Cork Dublin train) has managed to avoid any mention of protest or counter protests re the issue.

As per original post, is an issue for every political party but anecdotally it would appear that SF getting more than their fair share of "I'm not racist but we need to look after our own" feedback!!
You'd think so but as I'm sure you know SF public reps getting plenty of feedback from their voters and it's not all of the "where is the next "immigrants welcome" counter protest" type of feedeback!!

Even DOL who tweets about everything on his SM account (including Tommy's call for tea service to be restored on Cork Dublin train) has managed to avoid any mention of protest or counter protests re the issue.

As per original post, is an issue for every political party but anecdotally it would appear that SF getting more than their fair share of "I'm not racist but we need to look after our own" feedback!!

How very dare Sinn Féin get more than their fare share of feedback. 😂

Maybe people think turning up at a FFG clinic is useless despite the fact that they're the Government parties drafting and imposing the rules and regulations. Maybe people have found trying to give feedback from the community to FFG politicians is about as successful as talking to a wall.

Rather than turning up at direct provision centres, or picketing building sites I think people should bring their concerns to those who have their hands on the levers of power. Those in opposition can raise issues all they like but very little happens in the face of government intransigence. They need to convince those in power. So is it that people have found their genuine concerns just fall on deaf ears with the government parties? :unsure:
Wouldn't the right wing "immigrants unwelcome" mob be more at home with the right wing Fine Gaelers and/or their former candidates like Verona Murphy. Blueshirts have form for this kind of thing
I'm saying no. The same people who were harassing FG online and at various protests throughout the past decade or so for being Blueshirts are in fact, acting like Blueshirts and holding some similar beliefs to them. Despite some people's over inflated opinion of ourselves and our awareness, nationally, we are fairly illiterate when it comes to actual politics, which is partly IMO down to the Civil War hangover. SF and in lesser cases, the various Left wing parties have broken down the old order, gaining a foothold over the course of the various financial challenges that presented to people and introducing them to different ideologies that many may not have given a serious second though to.

The whole housing and preference for allocation argument has(understandably) ignited something very ugly in us and challenged many of us to our core and again, thanks to proponents of the Right, introduced another ingredient to the mix. Politically, we are spoiled for choice. Unfortunately, quantity does not equal quality.

So, to reply to your statement, I feel people went for whatever suited them at the time. For certain issues they were Left leaning, and now, those same people have exposed their own Right wing and xenophobic traits. A bit of Nationalism, with a pinch of Socialism. Might as well give it a go, don't think it's been done before.
I'm saying no. The same people who were harassing FG online and at various protests throughout the past decade or so for being Blueshirts are in fact, acting like Blueshirts and holding some similar beliefs to them. Despite some people's over inflated opinion of ourselves and our awareness, nationally, we are fairly illiterate when it comes to actual politics, which is partly IMO down to the Civil War hangover. SF and in lesser cases, the various Left wing parties have broken down the old order, gaining a foothold over the course of the various financial challenges that presented to people and introducing them to different ideologies that many may not have given a serious second though to.

The whole housing and preference for allocation argument has(understandably) ignited something very ugly in us and challenged many of us to our core and again, thanks to proponents of the Right, introduced another ingredient to the mix. Politically, we are spoiled for choice. Unfortunately, quantity does not equal quality.

So, to reply to your statement, I feel people went for whatever suited them at the time. For certain issues they were Left leaning, and now, those same people have exposed their own Right wing and xenophobic traits. A bit of Nationalism, with a pinch of Socialism. Might as well give it a go, don't think it's been done before.

Oh it's been done before alright. In the early 1940s. Even here in Ireland. Can you imagine someone with the ravages of WWII going on a TD making the following as part of their maiden speech.

(on 9 July 1943) to urge the government to emulate the Nazis and "rout the Jews out of this country... where the bees are there is honey, and where the Jews are there is money" and called for the banning of the Freemasons.[5]

Nonetheless, he was consistently popular in his own constituency, largely because of the attention he paid to individual voters' petitions and concerns. He has been described as "one of the cutest of cute hoors in the history of the Dáil"

FG - it's how they rolled since their party's inception
How very dare Sinn Féin get more than their fare share of feedback. 😂

Maybe people think turning up at a FFG clinic is useless despite the fact that they're the Government parties drafting and imposing the rules and regulations. Maybe people have found trying to give feedback from the community to FFG politicians is about as successful as talking to a wall.

Rather than turning up at direct provision centres, or picketing building sites I think people should bring their concerns to those who have their hands on the levers of power. Those in opposition can raise issues all they like but very little happens in the face of government intransigence. They need to convince those in power. So is it that people have found their genuine concerns just fall on deaf ears with the government parties? :unsure:

Maybe so but seems plenty expecting SF to be as vocal in their opposition to government on immigration/refugees as they are on health, housing, justice etc and are disappointed in their response so far!!

Eoin O Broin went down the line of "people should blame government inaction and not the refugees" around the time of East Wall protests and apparently didn't get a whole load of thanks for his contribution!!
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