Jimmy Saville Dies

The legalities are very simple - you can't libel a dead person.

Had the honour of meeting Sir Jimmy a number of times and he was a marvelous eccentric who marched to his own drum-beat, hence the rumours and myths which have surrounded him for decades and none of which have a shred of truth in them.

I happened to pop into his flat near Regent's Park many years ago to introduce him to someone who wanted some charity fund-raising doing and having a quick look round I noticed he didn't have a cooker in his kitchen.

He told me he didn't have a cooker in any of his many properties dotted around Britain as he'd never cooked a meal in his life.

He was also a chronic insomniac and would often set out in the middle of the night to go for a long run with just a couple of quid in his pocket - he might run 10 miles to an-night transport cafe he knew and sit down for a cup of tea and some toast and then run all the way back.

A legendary man and one of life's true eccentrics. I don't generally do RIPs but this man deserves one.
my word. the PROC greatest ever self pwn
Mark Lyndon
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

9th Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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Crawford Art Gallery, Tomorrow @ 2pm

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