jean the weather girl

just been on doing the weather ,christ shes a horny looking bitch,had what looked like a black leather dress,would love to give her some c..k
is she the hottest of our weather gals,shes dosent speak with a kerry accent,shes from tarbert,gone all posh now,still l do love her
just been on doing the weather ,christ shes a horny looking bitch,had what looked like a black leather dress,would love to give her some c..k
is she the hottest of our weather gals,shes dosent speak with a kerry accent,shes from tarbert,gone all posh now,still l do love her

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The Blades
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

7th Sep 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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Best Of Cork Summer Special

City Limits, Today @ 8pm

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