Itchy hole

Nothing worse when your out and about, do you dig in our resist and wait until you get to the nearest toilet.

No point leaving a skid on your jocks so I hold on, great satisfaction digging that bog roll in to give it a good solid wipe. Itch the fawk out of it
Nothing worse when your out and about, do you dig in our resist and wait until you get to the nearest toilet.

No point leaving a skid on your jocks so I hold on, great satisfaction digging that bog roll in to give it a good solid wipe. Itch the fawk out of it

well you wuld only have a skid if you were a dirty manky fucker who didnt wash properly.

clean your hole sunshine.
Itchy hole is normally caused by not taking sufficent time to clean your anus after expelling faecal matter.

Pay more attention next time.
the gent is obviously distressed. we should help out our fellow cork brother in his hour of need.
the best bet is to eat a bag of peanuts, thus giving you apocalyptically strong butt wind which will get rid of the itch, fairly lively.
If you eat a couple of condoms each day, your poo will come out in neat little tubes, thus negating the need to wipe.

Your unkempt hole will be a thing of the past, reducing itchiness and skid marked jocks to distant memories.
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
Sin É, Coburg St

24th Sep 2024 @ 6:30 pm
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Cathal Fitz

Costigans, Tomorrow @ 9:30pm

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