Irish Rail

Tomorrow, the flexible fare from Dublin to Westport (around the same distance as Dublin to Cork) is €21.99 single. It's €19.99 to Galway. It's €31.99 to Limerick.
Dublin to Cork and Limerick seem to be subsidising the rest of the Intercity network.
And if you want to go further afield, the British Rail website is showing a single fare of £39.50 from Dublin Ferryport to Manchester tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow, the flexible fare from Dublin to Westport (around the same distance as Dublin to Cork) is €21.99 single. It's €19.99 to Galway. It's €31.99 to Limerick.
Dublin to Cork and Limerick seem to be subsidising the rest of the Intercity network.
And if you want to go further afield, the British Rail website is showing a single fare of £39.50 from Dublin Ferryport to Manchester tomorrow morning.

Apparently the Cork to Dublin line is upgraded compared to other lines. So we are paying a premium to travel faster.
Nice try at a save m8.

Not buying it.
Posted your rail tickets in the dead child thread. Blind panic, then 8 mins later start this thread.

You're only making it worse
Apparently the Cork to Dublin line is upgraded compared to other lines. So we are paying a premium to travel faster.

Premium my hole, I suppose the Celtic Spring water which they charge €2.35 for on the train is premium too as opposed to the same bottle that retails for €1 nationwide.

I was looking at getting a train from Limerick City to Dublin and it was almost half price to 5 miles outside the city to Castleconnell train station, if the trains was cheaper more people would use them and yes I would pay a premium for speed and comfort but €60 quid is pushing it.
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14th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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