Immigration Thread

Erra immigration is part and parcel of any functioning economy. As are border controls, limits and fulfilling visa requirements.

If you want to come to Ireland to live and work from a non EU country then you have to meet visa requirements. Such as relevant qualifications and the means to support yourself as you find your feet. Just like you or I would have to if we chose to go live in the U.S. or Australia.

What we've allowed happen is that economic migrants from safe countries are using our asylum system to bypass the visa requirements.

Its simply stating the obvious to say this cannot continue. 1000s of people sleeping rough is of no benefit to anyone.

Equally so closing hotels to house asylum seekers is just a crazy non solution that only angers communities and damages our vital tourist industry.

Harris has some mess on his hands. Will they be able to get a handle on it before next year? I'll believe it when I see it.
Will they be able to get a handle on it?
They should be out for allowing it to happen in the first place.
Harris has some mess on his hands. Will they be able to get a handle on it before next year? I'll believe it when I see it.
He will in his bollacks, his a gormless patsy that's only in situ to take the fall for the complete mess FG have made on housing, immigration etc Nobody else wanted the job.

Anyway he's too busy sorting out the middle east to be worrying about issues in Ireland.
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'The latest Irish Times/Ipsos B&A poll shows that 29 per cent of respondents said that immigration was the number one issue the past month. This was far ahead of housing (19 per cent), which has been the number one issue for most of the time since Ipsos B&A began measuring this data last summer'.

Immigration IS the most important issue for voters now, as much as the delusional crew don't want to accept it.

The party who actually grasp this nettle will see significant gains. Atm its the independants who stand to benefit.
Immigration is the most important issue for those with houses.
For those renting/living at home/homeless I'd say housing AND immigration are close in their importance. If we had no housing crisis immigration wouldn't be as big an issue.
The main worry is what is down the track for the upcoming generations. Immigration is definitely going to drive down wages meaning there is no hope of having a house and rearing a family here for our own youth.
They will have to immigrate themselves but will never earn enough to come home and get a house and rear a family here .
Immigrants can always earn here and return home with a nice lump sum to get their own house in their country.
It's a massive disaster for our own young, driven on by the gluttenry of selfish Irish Millionaires.
The main worry is what is down the track for the upcoming generations. Immigration is definitely going to drive down wages meaning there is no hope of having a house and rearing a family here for our own youth.
They will have to immigrate themselves but will never earn enough to come home and get a house and rear a family here .
Immigrants can always earn here and return home with a nice lump sum to get their own house in their country.
It's a massive disaster for our own young, driven on by the gluttenry of selfish Irish Millionaires.
None of that makes any sense at all.
Sarah Lou
Arty's Bar, Ballincollig, Cork

27th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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