Immigration Thread

Not necessarily but again, if every mainstream political party has, upto very recently been either labelling anyone with a concern as racist or worse still, completely ignoring them, then you have to expect some frustrated reaction. In no way am I suggesting that a silent majority are having a quick sconce off Mein Kampf before lights out.
Only toddlers and morons get frustrated about things and there is no excuse for these utter morons behavior at times.

Healthy, reasonable and intelligent adults do not pick on victims fleeing wars zones with nothing but the shirts on their backs etc. shout vile abuse at builders or politician, set things on fire or even attack people.

People living off the state for generations kicking down on those with nothing and all wound up by right-winger fruit loops on social media.

Everybody is concerned about the gross mismanagement to date, over whelming of the system and wants action on border issues and deportations etc.

Ireland is a wealthy country and a defenseless state taking the moral high-ground and that stance can only last for so long as our borders and neutrality has to be controlled and defended.
What I have learned from politics in the US is if you believe that those bellowing about immigration and the “destruction of western civilization “ are stupid and there are not enough stupid people to follow them, you will lose. You have to show the electorate their stupidity and nefarious motives to break the illusion. However it often takes them being elected to break the facade and even then that first always work.
What I have learned from politics in the US is if you believe that those bellowing about immigration and the “destruction of western civilization “ are stupid and there are not enough stupid people to follow them, you will lose. You have to show the electorate their stupidity and nefarious motives to break the illusion. However it often takes them being elected to break the facade and even then that first always work.
Why even take the risk?

Just pick up a history book.
The European elections are a sideshow. The main players seem to treat candidacy as some some kind of reality/celebrity mishmash.

'Vote for the Jockey/beauty queen/GAA guy'!!!
Absolutely and you can include council elections as well, totally irrelevant at this stage with their erosion of powers, the main parties just use them now to get new candidates out there and profiles raised for a GE.
Ffs was told that by the late Mr. G Downey RIP in geography class back in the 90s, minus the riding. Germany was used as the example of having 1.2 children per family and it not being sustainable for the reasons you just post. They didn’t accept 1 million refugees out of some liberal war guilt, they fkn needed them.

That’s the problem. Developed countries with busy economies require 2 working parents in the family unit, to the detriment of family. Pretty sure most in here have witnessed that change in our lives from what we knew as the norm to what exists now with regards to working parents and more importantly, family size.

The more educated natives will veer off from menial low paid( but essential) work leaving a gap in the market. Again, a shift we have all witnessed where now, every cnut has to have a degree and work at a floating table.
what did he say about Cork?
Niamh Murphy & Declan Sinnott
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

23rd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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