i'm in love with...

Ah honey....


I suppose yeah, she's got the hottie look thing going on, but when she opens her fucking mouth!!

I dunno who's more whiney & irritating, her in Smallville or Marissa in the OC. I wanna clunk both their heads together!
odyssey said:
kristin kreuk...

i swear like. can't even watch her in smallville these days, i fancy her that much..
Do you not find her a bit whiny in it? She either looks like she's about to break out crying, or is crying in it all the bloody time.


Kirstin, at an emotional time.
angelicious said:
Ah honey....


I suppose yeah, she's got the hottie look thing going on, but when she opens her fucking mouth!!

I dunno who's more whiney & irritating, her in Smallville or Marissa in the OC. I wanna clunk both their heads together!

woah there now!


i'm almost personally offended by your comparison of Mischa 'all i can do is blink my big weird eyes' Barton, to my lovely beautiful gorgeous Kristin...

angelicious said:
Ah honey....


I suppose yeah, she's got the hottie look thing going on, but when she opens her fucking mouth!!

I dunno who's more whiney & irritating, her in Smallville or Marissa in the OC. I wanna clunk both their heads together!
Great minds think alike.


Kirstin ponders Angelicious's comments. She's not happy.
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