
Thanks, all northern European countries are very expensive.
Can you see the northern lights in Iceland?
I like photography, so should be loads to snap.
You can, but you can get lucky or unlucky with them. We saw them, but only faintly.
Reykjavik is a really cool city to wander around. Climb to the top of the cathedral for great views of the city, and check out the punk museum.
The blue lagoon is nice, but very touristy and maybe not worth the price
Go to Gulfoss waterfall, and the geysirs.
There is a boat trip you can do around the glaciers that is class.
Viti in the North of the island is stunning. The colour of the lakes is otherworldly.
Yes gilly, I’ve been to the Yucatán several times and it is safe if a little wild in spots. Like everywhere you need to be smart but in general the people are kind and cultural is interesting.
See a lot of tours that start in Mexico and go down through Central America.
Been to San Diego and was told to avoid crossings.
You can, but you can get lucky or unlucky with them. We saw them, but only faintly.
Reykjavik is a really cool city to wander around. Climb to the top of the cathedral for great views of the city, and check out the punk museum.
The blue lagoon is nice, but very touristy and maybe not worth the price
Go to Gulfoss waterfall, and the geysirs.
There is a boat trip you can do around the glaciers that is class.
Viti in the North of the island is stunning. The colour of the lakes is otherworldly.

Sounds like you had a great time in Iceland, Mattie.
Glad to hear it.

You spelled geysers wrong though.
Sabrina Dinan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

2nd Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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