Help please


My toshiba laptop is telling me to prepare myself for the inevitable failing of my hard disk drive....fuck sake. What can I do???

Thanks in advance.
Ive tried backing up my files( all i have is a few hundred photos) but neither my usb stick or blank discs have enough memory apparently. How much will a replacement cost me Urchin?? This is the second tosh laptop Ive had that this happened with
cheers again Urchin, any idea why this is happening??

Can the laptop work without this HDD??

If you type the error message you receive into Google you'll get plenty of info.

It seems to be a common problem with Toshiba laptops from what I can see.

At least it isn't too costly to repair.
My toshiba laptop is telling me to prepare myself for the inevitable failing of my hard disk drive....fuck sake. What can I do???

Thanks in advance.

How do you mean the laptop is telling you your hd is going to fail? What message is it giving you?

You have numerous options but knowing what the actual error message is would be a great help in giving you the correct advice.

What FU is saying is a good option but not necessarily what you need to do.

Is it a noisy drive? [believe it or not] I've seen this cured by simply defragging the drive! Depending on where the data is on the drive and if it is badly fragmented the it can sound very noisy as the read heads are skimming back and forth across the drive constantly looking for the required data.

As defragging puts the data back where it should be then the readers need to work less and the drive will quieten. The times that simple advice has saved people the cost of a new drive I've lost count.

thats one option.
Have you ran a chkdsk? including a surface scan to correct errors? Other options is to go to the hd manufacturers website and look for there own diagnostic and repair tools. Again this can save you a lot of money...

There is no need to immediately take the 'Panic' option and spend spend spend when there is no need.

Calm down and do a bit of research, check the drive make out in your bios and go to the manufacturers site..

btw piriform do a decent third party defragger - just watch you don't install the yahoo tool bar that defaults with there installers ;)

If you type the error message you receive into Google you'll get plenty of info.

It seems to be a common problem with Toshiba laptops from what I can see.

At least it isn't too costly to repair.

Based on what evidence? The same evidence that exists for nearly any computer manufacturer? Do remember that in ALL cases that the hard drive will be a third party unit so any problem will be related to that particular hard drive manufacturer not the computer manufacturer.
Cheers again..ill make a not of the exact msg next time I start up and let you know what it says. If I google piriform will I get what you spoke about??
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