Happy Christmas lads

Enjoy the turkey ye lovable rogues!

Lots to look forward to next year, Belgiums World Cup, Spanish drugs, Ronaldos continued dominance, fewer big shtrong Cork Footballers, the continued,yet invisible emigration of decent Kerry footballers, the second leg of Dublins 5 in a row, small fish and big fish battling it out for Liam, Moyes sacking, Liverpool winning the league, Sherwoods sacking, his replacements sacking and Adebayors next transfer.

Gonna be a great year lads, I can feel it!
Many happy returns. Hope there is a great year ahead. Lpool winning the league would be epic for the SF. Would be a lot of meltdowns.
2014 will rival the peaks of 2012 for the sports forum.

Merry Christmas to one and all

It's this time of year where you miss your nearest and dearest so it has to be said that the big man is still missed around these parts.
The incredible dynamic that is the SF.


Peace to all.

Yes in this spirit of goodwill, I think its a time for peace...so from midnight tonight all hostilities between me and Marco, Mayday, Evra, Gooner etc will cease to midnight Christmas Day.

Happy christmas ye turkeys and may your christmas be a red merry one with a liverbird on top of your tree!!!......
The Lee Sessions Trad Trail
The Corner House, Coburg St.

23rd Aug 2024 @ 6:00 pm
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