GAAGO - Rebel Strike (again)

Yes lets make a point and not support the team. Let them know that they aren't worth €60.00 or the €30.00 for the game itself. That'll learn them.
It’s great value, and I thought well produced last year - enjoyed the pundits I’ll be signing up again along with rebels online It’s unbelievable the amount of matches available to watch now if you can’t get to them The more the merrier say I
The problem is that the TV deal was for a time when there were significantly less championship matches, RTE are limited to what they can show. They have to show provincial finals etc so are well restricted in numbers of games after that. I don't know the exact amount they're allowed show.
There seems to be no will from the GAA themselves to put more games out there free to view, to sell to a Virgin media for example and it seems they are happy to use the Munster Championship to push this GAAGO.
The biggest problem I have with GAAGO is the quality of Internet around the country.
The problem is that the TV deal was for a time when there were significantly less championship matches, RTE are limited to what they can show. They have to show provincial finals etc so are well restricted in numbers of games after that. I don't know the exact amount they're allowed show.
There seems to be no will from the GAA themselves to put more games out there free to view, to sell to a Virgin media for example and it seems they are happy to use the Munster Championship to push this GAAGO.
The biggest problem I have with GAAGO is the quality of Internet around the country.
The frame rate of 24fps for the streams is also archaic. Hurling especially needs to be broadcast at 30fps at a minimum.
Big chest thumping from the gaa and gaago in relation to their announcement on the production offering this year but conveniently left out the bit about their PlayStation 1 type broadcast quality.
Look. Some valid points being made. With regard to the availability of the matches, and the affordable pricing. Yes it's great to have them available, albeit at a fee. And there's very few people who can't afford the 12 euro per game or whatever it is.
I am arguing the principles of this issue:
- We are already paying a license fee to RTE.
- We are effectively being double charged.
- Cork supporters are being particularly exploited, due to being the biggest commercial draw.
- An attitude of 'meh', it's only €12 a game is why this country is such a rip-off. We, the consumer, get ripped-off and exploited for absolutely everything. Hotels, groceries, alcohol, fuel, cars, mortgage fees, houses. I can go on and on. You name it, we pay more than the vast majority of the rest of the world in Ireland for the same product/service. Why, because we all act individually and just say 'meh' I'll pay it whatever the cost. Rather than collectively taking a stance and saying no, I won't pay it. Look what was achieved when we actually did this, for water charges.
- Most importantly, the future of the game of hurling is in a precarious place. Is is part of our national heritage and needs to be preserved by all means possible. It is slowly dying and contracting to all but a few counties. Even in Cork the game is slowly dying a death in once traditional hurling heartlands. (Look at the northside). The game needs to be promoted at all levels, country-wide. Or in 100 years we won;t have much of a game left. It will become some niche past-time like Shinty in Scotland.
How is sticking the game behind a paywall addressing any of the above? There are 6 or 7 terrestrial tv channels. Another load of internet channels. The argument that RTE can't show all games, and therefore have to charge for them, is nonsense. There are plenty of other channels that would happily show some of the games for free if they were given the opportunity. Funding, if needed, should be made available from license-fee and/or GAA, government, advertising, as an acceptable cost incurred with preserving one of the most integral parts of our Gaelic culture.
Can't say I disagree with anything he says here.

Jamie Wall on GAAGO row: 'There are more attractive teams than Cork'
Jamie’s got a short memory.
The best/most entertaining/most gripping two games last year both involved Cork, (Tipp game and lim game). One could argue the opener with lim v Clare was the game of the year but of Corks 4 MHC games last year, 3 were all nail biters. Is that kind of sport not attractive enough for Jamie?
Jamie’s got a short memory.
The best/most entertaining/most gripping two games last year both involved Cork, (Tipp game and lim game). One could argue the opener with lim v Clare was the game of the year but of Corks 4 MHC games last year, 3 were all nail biters. Is that kind of sport not attractive enough for Jamie?

Maybe he's just giving his opinion.
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