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IRISH NEWS TD calls for register of outside interests for RTÉ stars

04/07/2023 RTÉ's stars should have to sign a Sipo-style register of outside interests, Fianna Fáil TD Niall Collins has warned.

He said: 'As part of the reorganisation of RTÉ in the interests of transparency top presenters should have to complete a Sipo-style annual statutory declaration of their interests.' Sipo, Standards in Public Office, oversees compliance, including receiving statutory returns from individuals and organisations subject to the ethics in public office, which includes declarations on earnings, stake-holdings, assets, property and benefits in kind.

Mr Collins said: 'Top presenters are in a position of public trust; they are public influencers. They need to follow the same rules as the rest of us.

RTÉ's stars should have to sign a Sipo-style register of outside interests, Fianna Fáil TD Niall Collins has warned. Pic: Gareth Chaney/Collins Photos 'This could be done by a Sipo-type body, or they should be lodged into Sipo and be publicly available.' The Minister added:

'It could also operate like the Oireachtas Register of Members interests and include things such as other occupations and directorships, shares and properties they own and gifts they have received. This is not being intrusive. There has been a substantial breach of trust. This comes with consequences.

'The Revenue Commissioners should immediately carry out an audit of all payments and focus on the barter account.' Mr Collins also warned that 'any tax implications should be funded by a cut in top earner salary'.

Amid growing pressure on RTÉ to reduce the salary levels of its top 'talent', Mr Collins said: 'The market cannot sustain it, in fact, the market does not exist.' Mr Collins said: 'Top presenters are in a position of public trust; they are public influencers. They need to follow the same rules as the rest of us.' The perks, pay and conditions will come under attack on a second front this week when Senator Rònán Mullen's Broadcasting (Restriction of Salaries) Bill receives its second stage Seanad hearing on Wednesday.

Mr Mullen has suggested the 'Patrick Kielty standard' of €250,000 per season should represent the new 'borderline of what should permissible in a public service broadcaster'. The first-ever legislation to tackle the issue of top salaries at the national broadcaster says: 'No individual could receive total remuneration in excess of the salary of the Minister for Communications for any work done at "corporation", i.e., RTÉ or TG4.'
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