Poster of Savage Greatness.
A few years ago sinn fein mis spelled education in one of their hand outs...Edaction.
Before that they got Bobby Sands wrong...Booby.
Thick C.nts

A few years ago sinn fein mis spelled education in one of their hand outs...Edaction.
Before that they got Bobby Sands wrong...Booby.
Thick C.nts
Here's the thing, and it frustrates the shite out of me when I see articles on line, in print or from tv/radio sources deriding Blighe and his cohorts, stating that they don't speak for anyone, they have no support base, they are going to flop at the elections.Chances are he’ll do much better in the European elections than the locals.
Just the stupid ones.Here's the thing, and it frustrates the shite out of me when I see articles on line, in print or from tv/radio sources deriding Blighe and his cohorts, stating that they don't speak for anyone, they have no support base, they are going to flop at the elections.
Hold your breaths on this one because, alot like the last GE where SF missed an open goal, the public mood is one of complete frustration. Frustration at what? Well, take your pick from housing allocation, health service, rents, a changing/uncertain world and it's human consequences, safety and security and everybody's favourite taboo, "fawr-nurrs"(especially those of the coloured variety).
The emerging Far-Right in this country are the only ones to address the issue of local communities being used as staging posts for what are the most desperate people on this planet, where they equate the arrival of these people with being the cause of the above mentioned issues. And people buy it. Simple solutions for simple people. The so-called opposition have at best, abandoned their once cast iron voting bloc, and at worst, castigated communities for having the temerity to raise concerns, and therefore leaving a vacuum, gladly filled by the new kids on the block, and suffer they will come election day.
I think the last referendum was a good dummy run to test the mood. It didn't matter what the proposal was, those in power and all who backed them got rejected on the back of piss poor performance. Perhaps it was a deliberate real time opinion poll. Who knows, nothing surprises me anymore. As for Blighe & Co. not having a chance, think again.
Stuff like that frustrates the shite out of you? Ffs get a lifeHere's the thing, and it frustrates the shite out of me when I see articles on line, in print or from tv/radio sources deriding Blighe and his cohorts, stating that they don't speak for anyone, they have no support base, they are going to flop at the elections.
When it comes to the debate, yes. Clearly I don’t wake with a knot in my stomach at the thought of some unemployable block layer staging a march in Dublin anytime soon.Stuff like that frustrates the shite out of you? Ffs get a life![]()
dont forget the single mothers.Just the stupid ones.
Poorly educated perma angry white males and some with a permanent life of chosen leisure and dissapointment just love this stuff and there just are not or will not ever be enough of them for any right-wing power grouping even when we had 20% unemployment and decline.
There is a good life out there if you want it badly enough and work for it and just blaming the Government or the most vulnerable will not advance your life or "your" comunities lives a single millimetre forward.
Before refugees it was travellers, drug dealers, scroungers as there will always be someone else to blame and pick on for all your poor life choices and failures.
Castlemartyr has at least 5 derelict buildings on the main stHousing is the key issue in ireland. The fastest solution available to solve that is the dereliction area.
However if you actually policed that a lot of people who own buildings in towns and villages all across the country would be getting letters in the post with fines.
Those people are not 20 somethings or single mothers or lads working on the tills in supervalu.
They are solid citizens who got it from the maiden aunt or accountants running some kind of depreciation tax thing or a business owner who doesnt want a rival opening a shop or whatever.
Those are the people who vote, volunteer and donate to FFFG so that system is unlikely to be driven forward by councillors from those partys.
Have a real look at wherever you are and you will see it left right and centre.
In a housing crisis is a disgrace
No Dan, it hasn’tImmigration has been ahead of it in every poll since January
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Crane Lane Theatre, Tomorrow @ 11pm