Far right party in Ireland?

How long did the blueshirts actually last for? was it more then 10 years? they were quickly forgotten, however I always find it amusing that people lambast the blueshirts (deservedly) however they were set up in reaction to the IRA who were acting equally as fascists, which of course they continue to do to this day with their cult like 'dear leader'.
A real right wing party will never exist in Ireland, unless of course they could get mrs murphys footpath cleaned, jimmys medical card sorted, the local schools extension etc

Fair position to take based on Historic political discourse here....The auld parish pumper e'h.....However it falls down on the financial regulatory statement (past performance is no guarantee of future performance) which is analogy to describe the fact that things change. I certainly wouldn't bet against a right wing party gaining traction here, should the Islamic nutters seen elsewhere in Europe carry on in the same way here at some point in the future. Indeed , there are many examples of so called liberal democracies in Europe where if you had said even 10 years ago that the right wing would organise and gain ground politically, the men in white coats would have been called for. Think Holland, Sweden, Denmark, even the UK.

The stock image/caracature of the right wing as being a combat wearing shouty ignoramus in the modern context is not only incorrect, but, lends credence to the arguments made by the right (to some) that the so called socially democratic liberals, are the ones who are ignorant.
Sinn Fein are as close to far right Fascists that is out there. As Joe Higgins confirmed, SF are not a party of the Left, they are nationalists which is their only firm ideology. They deploy their stormtroopers on the net, in a cult like, total obedience, fashion.

SF are now right wing!? I must have missed that memo. Not a shinner myself, but if I was to pick an existing party here with demonstrable right wing leanings FG would tick many of those boxes.
SF are now right wing!? I must have missed that memo. Not a shinner myself, but if I was to pick an existing party here with demonstrable right wing leanings FG would tick many of those boxes.

If true, then that would explain why FG have managed to get this country into a better financial position since the leftie FF destroyed us.
SF are now right wing!? I must have missed that memo. Not a shinner myself, but if I was to pick an existing party here with demonstrable right wing leanings FG would tick many of those boxes.

I missed that memo too...but yes you are correct...both FF and FG are both right wing parties = no difference!
If true, then that would explain why FG have managed to get this country into a better financial position since the leftie FF destroyed us.

Sure they have....that is if you accept paying off other peoples debts to a plan prescribed by others as success. Frankly, FG & FF are two cheeks of the same self serving arse.
I doubt there's a more political complex animal as the Irish.

We want the all the benefits of a socialist economy, but we have far right ideals on what tax we should be paying for them with. We are the first to jump up show support for the likes of Palestine, but god forbid we have too many Africans, Muslims or Polish turning up here.

FF is the cause of a lot of it as they ran the country for a century on the basis of nothing other than populism.

This communal 'we' you used is ridiculous. Speak for yourself.
How long did the blueshirts actually last for? was it more then 10 years? they were quickly forgotten, however I always find it amusing that people lambast the blueshirts (deservedly) however they were set up in reaction to the IRA who were acting equally as fascists, which of course they continue to do to this day with their cult like 'dear leader'.
A real right wing party will never exist in Ireland, unless of course they could get mrs murphys footpath cleaned, jimmys medical card sorted, the local schools extension etc

You think they went away?

They evolved into the Guards.
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