This traveller mediation thing is bollocks, If they want equal treatment they should abide by the same rules as the rest of us,
As soon as the lefties understand they’re not an ethnic minority just non law abiding scrotes,
Who destroy decent neighbourhoods,
Create dirt and mayhem,
Let their rug rats do as they please without consequences,
Right now there’s 9/10 houses on our street out of 24 houses
Of that 9/10- 2 are travellers ( one settled traveller)
Of the remaining 7/8 houses in our part - 4 possibly 5 are looking to move ,
I’m here from day 1 as are 3 of the other 4 houses.
So this bunch of misfits have held to ransom entire communities on the north side, Mahon and co Cork
And they have the neck to cry racism etc etc ,
Ppl need to wake up and understand- if you live in an estate other ppl also live there,
Majority go to work,
Keep their houses and kids in good order,
It’s not a lot to ask to bloody behave is it?
These ppl need to be housed either their own wherever until they bloody cop on