Does music give you goosebumps?


  • Yes

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Sander's mam gives me goosebumps

    Votes: 1 6.7%

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Full Member
I was talking to the kids about this earlier because we went to see "Wicked" and one of the songs in it gave them goosebumps.
I once was on a bit of a drive and just as I pulled in, dark side finished. I nearly finished.

Comfortably numb still does it to me nearly every time.

I'm not generally a wolf tones fan but grace can do it for me too.

For personal reasons Georgie Boy by Jack L.

Sadly I don't think I have any love songs that do it to me. Even the "our song" songs from my teenage and twenties butterfly phases don't do it to me.

All that aside, a top notch live performance from anyone will always at least give me a chubby
That really surprises me, given how much you love music!

It probably did years ago when I was young and enthusiastic.

These days I take music for granted.

Although I've recently been listening to a lot of Creed/Alter Bridge and tbf some of their stuff does get into me like music used to.

It also helps that I want to be boned by Mark Tremonti.
It probably did years ago when I was young and enthusiastic.

These days I take music for granted.

Although I've recently been listening to a lot of Creed/Alter Bridge and tbf some of their stuff does get into me like music used to.

It also helps that I want to be boned by Mark Tremonti.
Nah m8 we know you really love schcot schtaaaap
Crane Lane Theatre, Phoenix St.

15th Feb 2025 @ 8:30 pm
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