
It's always someone else's fault. Meanwhile, hundreds of cyclists are ignoring the simple request to give two metres space to the elderly, the vulnerable and those at risk, just because they think they have a God given right to drive their bicycles anywhere they like emitting their foul germs and viruses all over the place and contributing greatly to our public health crisis.

Why do cyclists hate authority so much?

Why do you want to kill the elderly with your toxic emissions?

What did they ever do to you?


Some cyclists are very fit whilst many are ...being honest here..are FAT FUCKERS and is only through the miracle of gears and the flat topography of certain parts of the city allows them to operate their two wheeled vechicles.

A fat fucking cunt of a cyclist huffing and puffing along...working his the currrent unprecedented global crisis is A MOBILE BIO WEAPON and is most likey (if a carrier) responsible for deaths.

They majority an entitled...agreesive mentality but since the roads are a bit quieter/safer at the moment... then theres zero excuse for them not to maintain social distance when passing people.
Alas it's not just some cyclists are ignorant in not giving required distance when passing people. While out walking and encountering on-coming pedestrians it's astounding how many utter c**ts don't hug the other side of the footpath when other pedestrians do.

Some utter tw@ts think they're entitled to march down the centre of a footpath and it's up to the other pedestrians to get out of their way. It's bizarre!

Note to roadusers - that's the cyclists who aren't on the footpaths, and motorists, can you please exercise caution when you see pedestrians approaching each other. There's a possibility that one group may have to step off the footpath to avoid oncoming pedestrians
The amount of families cycling on footpaths all over during their outdoor exercise outings is a worry now as younger children will presume it is the norm to cycle on the footpaths in the future. Some families are really abusing the situation!

As if society will change and be more respectful in the future............!
I think you'll find that the common denominator is road-users travelling at inappropriate speeds for the conditions. And that's something both motorists and cyclists are guilty of.

I don't see cyclists killing 2-3 people a week. It's motorists that are doing this therefore motorists are the biggest cunts on our roads but go on, moan about the cyclists.
Timmy doing his bit to buck the stereotype of the foulmouthed, quick to anger cyclist.

These bellends would do well to show some consideration toward their fellow road users.

If Timmy spent more time being productive then maybe one day he could afford a car.
John Smith
The White Horse, Ballincollig

12th May 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Jezahel- Vampires Can't Weld

The Pavilion, Tomorrow @ 8pm

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