
Aside from push bikes one scary thing I discovered on small motorbikes, 50cc and 125cc, is the suction generated by a passing 18 wheeler. You get caught in its slipstream or something and pulled along beside it. If you were startled or easily frightened it would only need a wrong move or reaction and you'd be pulled in and under those tires.
The ether that is taxation and expenditure is unnavigable. I'd say all taxes go into a big pot. Road Tax comes from petrol. Ergo, cyclists don't pay their fair share and should accept certain truths.

Cyclists pay a proportion, as you well know, and if you consider the ratio of cyclists to the ratio of cars it possibly is a fair share.

The notion that neither should have any road rights is plainly nonsense.
Just a point.
The ether that is taxation and expenditure is unnavigable. I'd say all taxes go into a big pot. Road Tax comes from petrol. Ergo, cyclists don't pay their fair share and should accept certain truths.

Ha the old tax argument. If I could pay tax I would if only to shut the likes of you up.

I dont drive a huge tonnage of a vehicle that requires the same infrastructure.
Agreed and all they come back with is the tax argument.

They fail to remember that road tax is kinda paid by you everyone anyway. They get additional tax for CO2 emissions etc.
Cork is an ideal size of a city to commute by cycling. I think once some of the proposed infrastructure is finished up, numbers will rocket. Which is an excellent thing for everyone as it means less traffic/parking issues in the city, and less of our money being shipped off to Arab princes in petrol prices. It also means less fat unhealthy cunts stressing the health system.
Jackie Fabulous (Americas Got Talent) Plus Guests
City Limits, Coburg St.

5th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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The Mad Banners

Crane Lane Theatre, Tomorrow @ 5pm

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