
it's pretty much illegal to cycle on the footpath, unless you're a kid, like.

I remember when I was about ten I actually wasn't allowed by my parents to cycle on the main road through Ballincollig.

So there I am on the footpath heading up the village and this old couple pass me, stop me, and start shouting at me. Old woman in particular was really mean and shouting about me cycling on the footpath. I stumbled out the words 'but.. but... my mum said I'm not allowed on the road' and she just continued to shout at me.

Some old people are meeeean.
i dont think it is illegal anyway to cycle on a footpath. Can someone come on here and quote the law on that?

Define a 'footpath'. Is the Blackrock/Passage West line a foothpath or what?
Ah I'd cycle along the line no problem. It's a track more than a footpath, imo.

But, still probably against the rules:

'Cycling on a footpath
It’s illegal for any road user to drive/cycle on the pavement, except in order to access a driveway, and there is nothing in law to provide an exemption for vulnerable cyclists such as small children. Cyclists are allowed on the footpath when there is a marked cycle path or mixed-use pedestrian/cycle path, but should always do so with courtesy to pedestrians. It’s also illegal for cars to park on the footpath, but there seems to be a lot of this in Dublin.
If you are off the bike and pushing it along the pavement then technically you are pedestrian.'
The footpath for part of the Carrigrohane Road is designed to cater for both pedetrians and cyclists. Once that stretch of path ends you can enter a cycle lane on the road.
i dont think it is illegal anyway to cycle on a footpath. Can someone come on here and quote the law on that?

Define a 'footpath'. Is the Blackrock/Passage West line a foothpath or what?

Blackrock/Passage West is a mixed-use pedestrian/cycle path so it is perfectly legal to cycle on - the convention - as advised by the signage - is that pedestrians should take the water side and cyclists the other.
yeah I just use my own logic and common sense when it comes to taking a footpath
as Ive said Ive had a few bad experiences on the road most notable where I was almost hit by a girl who was veering into me and as I glanced into her car she had her mobile phone in her hand texting
if it wasnt for my own quick actions to avoid the car I would have been hit and she was completely oblivious of course
cyclist should be allowed to take a footpath but should cycle at near walking pace
Was driving in Ballyvolane yesterday heading out the Ballyhooly road when a cyclist, a man in his mid 30s, swerved dangerously out into the middle of the road just metres ahead of me, blissfully unaware of his surroundings while he taught his young son how to ride his bike (he was on the footpath). He had no helmet on and only that I was going at a relatively slow speed he'd be dead now. Had to jam on the breaks and swerve myself to avoid him going right under my car.
I fucked him out of it.
The footpath for part of the Carrigrohane Road is designed to cater for both pedetrians and cyclists. Once that stretch of path ends you can enter a cycle lane on the road.

That would probably be a good idea in more places. Where I was on holidays in Spain they had cycling paths and walking paths next to each other, but clearly marked.
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