
Drunk-cycling is an offence in Ireland under the 2010 Road Traffic Act.

A student in Co. Clare was in court for it last month. The charge was struck out.
Which is why insurance for cyclists, based on risk is £40 as against the hundreds for motorists

Maybe I know nothing, no need for that btw you're very defensive

But one thing I certainly don't know and I'd like you to tell me, as you probably do know and I'm stupid, why do I have to pay for uninsured cyclists who are at fault?

Could you explain how that's fair?

But I'm showing you facts that say the uninsured cyclists are seldom to blame. Hows about pedestrians be insured by your arguments? Grasping.

Im defensive cos I'm sick if this argument witu motoring folks who yak on about the same arguments and their God given right to use the road. Read some stats first.

Im a pedestrian, motorist and cyclist so at least I'm informed. More than can be said for motorists.
That advert on tv really bothers me at the moment, you know the one where the old man with the eggs gets knocked down and killed.

The add is to warn drivers to be aware of their surroundings but I've never really seen an advert warning pedestrians to cop the fuck on, except for the safe cross code (which was years ago).

Even the girl texting who doesn't look up when crossing the road, stares at the car as if it was the drivers fault that she nearly got hit. Stupid bitch deserved to be hit.
See you clearly no idea.

More than two thirds of all crashes
between drivers and cyclists in Central
London are the fault of the motorist,
research indicates. The City of Westminster Council found
that drivers were to blame for 68 per
cent of collisions between cyclists and
motor vehicles in the borough in the past
12 months. It found that cyclists were at
fault for only 20 per cent. In the
remaining 12 per cent of cases, no cause
could be found or both parties were to

She has to pay for the 20% that are to blame.

If the motorist is to blame, then she doesn't have to pay.

Hope this helps.
Actually, old men with eggs are a serious hazard on the road. I've lost count of the number of times an old man with eggs has crossed my path not looking where he's going.
But I'm showing you facts that say the uninsured cyclists are seldom to blame. Hows about pedestrians be insured by your arguments? Grasping.

Im defensive cos I'm sick if this argument witu motoring folks who yak on about the same arguments and their God given right to use the road. Read some stats first.

I'm not grasping, you quoted statistics that say 1 in every 5 accidents between bikes and cars is the fault of the cyclist. That's not a particularly small number, it's certainly a bit more than seldom

It's perfectly reasonable to expect road users to pay insurance. It's less than a pound a week for comprehensive insurance and I'm the one that's being unreasonable?

I'm considerate to cyclists, I'm acutely aware as my mother was killed cycling home from work and it wasn't her fault, it's that experience that heightens my awareness of them, just how ignorant some drivers are and how stupid some cyclists are. Not all just some, but I've never heard a valid argument for no insurance
'In the remaining 12 per cent of cases, no cause
could be found or both parties were to blame.'

Have they considered old men with eggs?
In a collision between a motorist and a cyclist the motorist is always at fault.
In the same way as if a child runs head first into your knee while playing chasing at your nephews birthday party, as the adult YOU are always at fault. :mad:
I've been thinking a lot about this whilst I've been out.

It's actually really annoying, if an accident occurs and the motorist is to blame, the cyclist, and I would guess all the cyclists here would expect and rightly so that the motorists insurer coughs up for medical care, loss of earnings etc which could easily run into hundreds of thousands, but if it's the cyclists fault they take no responsibility and someone else (other motorists) foot the bill, how can you possibly defend that position?

My son pays £37 per year for fully comprehensive insurance and I'll go as far to say that people who cycle without it are irresponsible.
Cyclists who use the road should be taxed, insured, licensed (with a lessons and a test), the bike should carry something similar to a registration plate and hi-vis, helmet and lights with a minimum brightness should be mandatory AT ALL TIMES



Im sorry now Girleen

Under section 4.4 of the road traffic act you musht have a number plate

and those schpokey-dokeys dont look legal either...

You'll have to dishmount your veh-hicle and dishplay your licence or I'll have to impound everything

great idea Liam

you should also suggest that there is an NCT for bicycles since youre at it
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