Cork Minor Hurling 2023

I think we need to acknowledge Barry Walsh who showed incredible courage and spirit in the most difficult of circumstances - what a fantastic young lad and fantastic hurler and I hope the years ahead are kind to him.

Clare deserved their win tonight but hurling was only secondary. Some real talent in that Cork forward line if only the ball was fed into them. They will come again.
Infairness to Barry Walsh, a hard week put down by him (and those around him) but he was the best Cork player on the pitch last night. When other players were giving up, he kept going until he couldn't. You have to tip your hat to him.

This was a handy Clare side who, with the majority of the same squad, came very close to to winning last years Minor.
Fair play to Killeagh Gaa also. I know they had 4 or 5 on the panel but they were out in force last night to support their lads. Everytime Barry Walsh got near a ball they were roaring in support.
Don't think I've ever been to a Cork game where we were outnumbered in the support by so much. Was really disappointed at our support last night, given what's gone on the past 2 weeks I thought we'd have plenty of support for this group of lads.
Lads can I just ask is this “incident” only effecting one player or the whole squad? I have a feeling I know what it is from reading here but some of ye are contradicting others.
Lads can I just ask is this “incident” only effecting one player or the whole squad? I have a feeling I know what it is from reading here but some of ye are contradicting others.
The “incident” directly affects two players but you can be sure all the panel and backroom team put down a very emotional week in support of the lads. Hard to recover quickly from that sometimes especially when your young
Keeper gunning hegarty and Collins started last year. O halloran and Fred hegarty were playing subs last year
That's quite a few. Only two from Cork afaik, Ben Walsh & Casey but you would expect more from counties with a smaller pick.
Interestingly none of Cork's 24 from last night will be underage again next year.
The stewards confiscated a whistle off of a group of kids near me last night. They blew it and caused confusion that led to the second Clare free. Surely the ref should have used common sense there, both the back and the forward stopped playing, clearly they both heard the whistle
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