Cork Hurlers - Part 2

If Cork progress after weekend, management will have to be ruthless when it comes to substitutions. We won't be meeting teams as poorly set up as Tipp. We have a great bench and it must be used. I believe if Cody was our manger last Sunday, changes would be made at half time or even before it. In these shit or get off the pot games he was ruthless because he had plenty backups on bench. All this talk of warriors and ballers is looking at it with red tinted glasses. In order to make it to the top, management have to react to what's happening on the field not giving in to so called loyalty to individual players or social media/ press opinion. When the bandwagon is rolling so many jump on with the narrative that we are brilliant, not yet but maybe we will get there Here's hoping
He wasn’t great and hasn’t been all year in my opinion. Barrett and Harnedy doing so well has probably masked it a bit. He did get a good score on Sunday though.
He did look like the one player on Sunday who had struggled to recover physically from the previous game.

Dalton didn't obviously have a starring role but he's playing extremely deep and doing a fine job for the team especially on opposition puck outs and left buckets of space for Barret on that side. He's definitely sacrificed his natural game for the team. I think lads are being a little harsh on him.

He did run out of steam which I'd expect playing 2 games back to back and only just being back from injuries. I'd say he's a safe enough bet to start again.

I said that Dalton had a poor game but i never said i would drop him as previously said he is vital for us and imho the only replacement for him is a fully fit R O Flynn
To be fair, I think most on here make fairly rational comments e.g. 'Fitzgibbon could do so much damage at half forward' and a tiny minority (often 1) make the extreme comment e.g. 'Fitz is not a midfielder and never was'.

One of the other posters picked up on it a few pages back, but if we're going to start looking beyond Sunday and start thinking of having a proper crack in 2024 there are areas to improve and Joyce plays a massive role when you look at those.

I'm still watching TOM even over the last 2 weeks and thinking he belongs in a different part of the pitch - he's a pure baller, he wants to be playing the harlem globetrotter stuff all the time. I can't find the clip from Sunday online but there's a passage of play where there's a ball delivered to Tim from the full back line and he immediately gives a wristy bullet of a pass to Downey who does the same down to the right hand corner to Hayes maybe. If it had ended in a score the clip would be everywhere, but TOM's hurling ability is phenomenal - he's so instinctive... and at times that can be a problem at 5. He got very lucky in the first half that the flicks that went wrong didn't cause more damage. He played with discipline in fairness against Limerick but couldn't cope with Duggan against Clare.

Ethan Twomey is having his breakthrough season in what is going to be a stellar Cork career I have no doubt but there are understandable signs of rawness in each game, where he looks a little lost and drives a ball to nobody or doesn't see a tackle coming. Twomey has great footwork in tight situations and he is getting through some amount of work in the last 2 weeks but if you're looking at 5 or 8 for Joyce, it's probably 8 for me. The 2 Downeys at 3 and 6 is definitely something to be left alone. Rob reminds me of Brian Hogan at 6 for KK, with more eye-catching players at either side of him. On the pace point - ironically, his lack of it means he's not darting everywhere, he's holding the centre and crucially Coleman and TOM have buckets of pace to cover across and clog up the centre, which Coleman did on numerous occasions on Sunday.

For all the talk of Connolly & Barrett and co, the player to have the greatest impact on the turnaround is Patrick Collins. The puc-outs stats on Sunday were outrageous - 27 out of 34 and plenty of those long. 79% which was even better than his Limerick stat of 74%. Tipps was 57%; Limericks 58%. Thomas Walsh played his part (as did Stack) in letting all the quick ones go - there were quite a few borderline before the second whistle (expect our next opponents, if we get some luck to get an opponent, to call that out pre-match). Anyway, I don't think Collins falls into the issue bracket anymore... and there's no viable alternative so not much of a debate to had.

There are 2 final issues however - SOD is consistently having 'moments' - no different to any other season in the last 4 or 5 years. He's a great leader and ferocious competitor but we have to remove him from receiving short ones at the very least. It was good to see Coleman in the left corner back position receiving a couple on Sunday so hopefully that's a conscious development from the coaches. Lastly, substitution strategy - Meade was outstanding on Sunday, fair play to him. Hopefully it was horses for courses as against Clare it wasn't the right call, and it wouldn't be against the likes of KK or Limerick either. Lehane struggled a bit. I'll link this to a positive team point: his game is about jinking into pockets of space (often sideways or backwards) & getting shots away... contrast to Connolly, Hayes and particularly Barrett - their focus is beating the man by heading aggressively goal-ward and creating 2v1s and giving the ball to the player in the most dangerous position. I thought there was a bit of a culture clash watching Lehane in that cameo on Sunday. In fairness to Canning, his comment was spot-on also - the biggest change in Cork's attack since Pat took over last year is the team-work... work the ball to the player in the best position and go for the goal when it's on.

TOM & Coleman have a bit of that previous system hangover at the back also when over-playing it at times (TOM v Tipp & Coleman v Limerick).

These are a few of things that can catch us but they're mostly addressable and the coaching team deserve huge credit for fixing things over the last few weeks and creating the foundations for the lads to cut lose in the style that they have done over the last couple of weeks. There's a real clarity to how we play now, which was something we were all struggling to see for a long time, everyone was so decisive on Sunday... Coleman summed this up with the speed he was playing at, no turning back, driving forward, moving the ball quickly & mixing it up between short and long.

A good read there Morello and sensible.
Right now Joyce struggles to get into this team (what a superb complaint to have), I'd try him half back instead of Tim O'Mahony. I'd leave Downey in the centre, we have seem to have some consistency and cohesion in defense that hasn't been there in a while.

Meade and Kingston (who I am a big fan of) of course did well Sunday, but to be totally honest against what ? Dalton looked tired to me (can't imagine he recovers as easily as some of the greyhound like types) and looked really disappointed to come off, great sign of him, and a guy who must start if fit.

O'Donoghue, I'm not sure what to say. What would be considered poor against Waterford and Clare. Excellent against Limerick (despite directly costing 2 goals) was under pressure against Tipp I felt until the game petered out.

Having said all that and to be fair to him, corner back in today's game really and truly is a hiding to nothing. Most days are going to go badly and its a case of damage limitation.
Regarding supporters of other counties I think there probably isn't any real difference from one county to another. There are nice people and not so nice people everywhere.

However, being from North Cork and close to the Tipp and Limerick borders I find Tipperary people very good to interact with. They know how to win and they know how to lose as well. This come from being successful over long periods of time. They support their county loudly but are generally gracious in victory and defeat.
I was delighted with the win on Sunday but I genuinely hope Tipperary will not be down for long.... not down certainly but marginally below Cork as well obviously.

I think some Limerick supporters are struggling to cope with being good winners after nearly 50 years without an All Ireland. It is understandable but after a while the understanding wears thin.

I think we in Cork also need to understand that the supporters of other counties in Munster have watched Cork and Tipp dominate Munster hurling for decade after decade and in Corks case there are sometimes brief periods of domination in football also.
You can understand how these supporters are happy to see Cork in the doldrums

I think they may be in for some more unhappy times over the coming years.
Like everyone else on here I’m absolutely delighted with how Cork have turned their fortunes around and put in back to back good performances however I think it’s more important than ever to the keep the feet on the ground and quietly go about our business if results go our way next weekend.

We were shocking against Waterford, unlucky against Clare and good in the other 2.

Inconsistency has been a staple of this Cork team for many years and although I see the talent available with strength and depth it will take more than beating Limerick in a one game and battering a very poor Tipp side to make me get carried away.

Let’s hope we get the rub of the green next weekend, assuming we do I think playing the extra few games will suit us and feel we can match anything that comes out of Leinster but need to keep the feet on the ground and not get carried away with the hype and I do believe PR will keep these lads on their toes
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