Cork Hurlers - Part 2

At the moment it's scoring difference as Cork Limerick and Clare are all on 4 points each, it goes head to head only if 2 teams are on the same points. It could potentially come down to scoring difference after the final round of games depending on how results go
Would be scoring difference in unlikely event that Tipp beat Clare and Waterford beat Limerick.
3 teams level on 4 points would go to scoring difference first. Limerick's scoring difference is 1 point better than Cork's. If Waterford beat them then it can at best be equal to Cork's (1 point loss) it would go to the head to head to separate them then. I believe.
There’s no weak links on this team. Bench is strong and we will not fear anyone. In 1970’s our full forward line of Charlie McCarthy, Ray Cummins and Seanie O’ Leary with Eamon O’ Donoghue coming on, took us through many tight games.
JBM made the difference in 76 and 78 AI Finals 76-3 late points and 78- a vital goal.
What an utterly spectacular day. My two cents:

Unbelievable effort from the squad and management to back up the limerick performance with another within the space of 8 days. For amateur sportsmen that is a fair achievement and shouldn’t be underestimated.

The biggest plus for me yesterday was the defence as a unit. Accepting Tipp were v poor in the second half I think the defence is coming together nicely and looks a lot more cohesive and sticky in general. Bits of nastiness and belligerence there too esp from O’Leary. Beautiful. I hear Sherlock is having a nice bit of input here. No better man.

Aside from Connolly, for me, E Twomey, Barrett and Hayes have made a quantum leap in the last few weeks. Amazing what good leadership and some confidence can do for young cork hurlers. I would give huge credit to the likes of Horgan, harnedy and Cahalane here.

The 2017 group (Kingston, Fitz, Coleman and Tim) look to have gone to another level. It was well due and delayed for various reasons.

A lot of posters have variously said over the last few years that while we are producing a lot of very good players that we weren’t producing the exceptional level of talent that is needed to win all irelands. Connolly is moving into that bracket now. Not there yet but clearly has that potential.

On the players that we didn’t see yesterday and the cameo subs - O’Flynn, Millerick, Roche * 2, P Power, Tommy - I think we really need these guys to step up and try to dislodge those currently in the first 15. If we get out of Munster I would love to see some training sessions with skin and hair flying. Maybe some genuine competitive needle. We need to disabuse ourselves of the notion of a ‘first or settled 15’.

I think all the teams in the Munster championship deserve great credit. At the end of the day we are all hurling men and the joy that these amateur players give us week in week out is off the charts. It really is something special and to be cherished.

Final thought, cork going well and deep in this championship is vital for the next bunch of lads coming through. I’m thinking of the likes of Cunningham, Mullins, Healy, Buckley, S Kingston (Ballinora) and others also.

Good times ahead hopefully.
Getting rid of the management hasn't been mentioned in a while. Odd.
This time next week we may be out of the championship and it will be down to management against Waterford in particular and to a much lesser degree against Clare.

They did not get it right against Waterford and that still may cost us.

However, I think the ship has been steadied now and I think we have largely a settled team but also a number of players to come in and not weaken the team.
I also liked that yesterday they gave minutes to Lehane, Millerick and Sean Twomey who started against Waterford but not since, I thought that was good management.

Management are still learning and will make mistakes but those mistakes can be costly.
John Murry
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