Cork Hurlers - Part 2

What is worrying me is the 10 yard passing to guys being marked , losing possesion every time and also taking to many short passes getting out of trouble . Great to see Sean Twomey doing well .
Very valid point and I was looking at this last night and wondering why. Then i looked up the pitch and we’d have Hoggy alone against 2 or sometimes 3 defenders, complete madness, push our fowards up the pitch and give our defence something to aim at
Honeymoon period for Pat Ryan well and truly over now.
Our last 7 competitive results make for grim reading.

league semi v KK beaten by 6
MSHC v Waterford won by 9
MSHC v Tipp Draw
MSHC V Clare beaten by 1
MSHC V Limerick beaten by 1
League V Clare beaten by 3
League v KK beaten by 1

Played 7, won 1, drew 1, lost 5.

We are 14 months + into Pat Ryans reign and still don't have a settled team or settled style of play. I hadn't a notion what our tactics were in that first 25 minutes last night. In the first play of the game we had 6 or 7 passes around our backline, never came out past our 65 and gave away a simple free 30 yards out. Madness.

When KK, Clare, Limerick play the short game they usually play passes forward. We seem to pass for the sake of passing and the amount of passes going backwards or laterally or to a marked man is off the charts.

Our next 3 games are now must win. We can have KK, Limerick, Tipp etc under lights next spring down the pairc or we can have Carlow, Westmeath, Kerry. Pat Ryan needs to stop the chopping and changing now. Fitzgibbon cup is over for Cork players. 2 weeks to the next game. Need a decision made on some players one way or the other and start trying to bed down a settled team.
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Despite the performance, tactics and result there are still a lot of positives out of last night

Eoin Downey and Eoin Roche both done well in the full back line and should start again the next day

I thought Rob had a strong start before being forced off and his replacement Ger Millerick was his usual busy gutsy self, Tim struck a world of ball (and man 🤣) but his shot selection was strange, he’s needed more up the field for his physicality. Mark made an enormous difference hurling wise when introduced but there were signs again of his defensive frailties and he too was guilty of some mad pot shots at goal

Tommy was a revelation at midfield, his workrate and industry matches that of Brian Roche but his crisp hurling is superior, Is now a serious option. Ethan also made a big difference when introduced and these two could be the future

Sean Twomey was almost a one man band in the first half, time and time again he was winning the dirty ball or slowing down the defenders coming out with it. We need to keep playing him and clone him on the other wing. Lehane scored some cracking points tonight and will be an option come championship. Shane Barrett was industrious as well and now needs a start to show his worth

Alot of negative vibes about Hoggy since last night but I think he is doing ok considering we are totally underusing his strengths. Place him on the edge of the square and play 2 pacier players alongside him and get the ball into him and he will do damage. He could easily have had 2 goals tonight out of half chances and that was all down to his crabitness. I still think we need to look at him in an impact rrole in some league game though, it would be criminal not to

My team for Waterford would be a ballsy selection but we need to shake things up and start looking at a few things. They could play Mark at 9, Tim at 10, Conor at 11 and Brian at 13 too of course

1 Brion Saunderson (we must look at him)
2 Conor O Callaghan (deserves a shot in his best position)
3 Eoin Roche (let him there to learn)
4 Sean O Donoghue (a must starter)
5 Eoin Downey (I love this guys swagger)
6 Ciaran Joyce (enough said)
7 Rob Downey (a big time player)
8 Tommy O Connell (has to start after last night)
9 Tim O Mahony (must be looked at here)
10 Brian Hayes (has to get a run here)
11 Mark Coleman (this must be looked at)
12 Sean Twomey must (keep him here for the rest of the league)
13 Conor Lehane (worth a look at inside)
14 Patrick Horgan (edge of the square with runners around him)
15 Shane Barrett (worth a few starts)
When is Cunningham back?
Hard to settle a team in the league when you have certain starters that need to be minded as they return from serious injury or have underlying/longterm injuries. We need 100% fit ROF, Coleman, Fitzgibbon, Connolly and Dalton come April. I have serious doubts that we will have all. Not sure what's going on with Harnedy or the Cahalanes. Unfortunate that Cunningham is injured as he would really have benefitted from a run in the league. This 2 week break is well needed, hopefully some bodies will be recovered for next game v Waterford
I wonder if the team are being flogged in training. They looked legless in the first half. Mind you, the warm up didn’t make for a good look either, dropped balls, terrible passing and at one stage one of the back room team set up a mini game towards the end of the warm up and he had the lads stood still in the lashing rain getting cold trying to explain what he wanted from the mini game for a solid two or three mins. That shit is supposed to be sorted out before you ever take the field. Plus, you had the non-KK staters doing a full training session on the Astro pitch after the game as we walked outta the pairc….nothing from Cork though.
I wonder if the team are being flogged in training. They looked legless in the first half. Mind you, the warm up didn’t make for a good look either, dropped balls, terrible passing and at one stage one of the back room team set up a mini game towards the end of the warm up and he had the lads stood still in the lashing rain getting cold trying to explain what he wanted from the mini game for a solid two or three mins. That shit is supposed to be sorted out before you ever take the field. Plus, you had the non-KK staters doing a full training session on the Astro pitch after the game as we walked outta the pairc….nothing from Cork though.

Those days are long gone.
We are treating the league with contempt like we have done for 20 years and we expect a different result… will be next to
Impossible To have a settled team or an idea of a settled team for championship based on injuries and some of the selections. O’callaghan is relatively new at this level, I always feel a
Player like this should be selected in his natural position to enable him get up to speed instead of being put midfield. I would also based on first 2 games like O’Connell be let midfield the next day and o’mahoney at half forward, we all know this is their better positions for championship and let someone else who has a chance of starting wing back be selected there.
Also, don’t have a conversation with a free taker just before he is about to hit a ball
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