I’m in town every night for work and I can tell you that 90 % of the sleeping bags given out go to an organised crime group who then dump them when their shift is over , They all get collected by busses between 5 and 6 am , One of my crew speaks their language and what he overhears is incredible,they have to ring their boss every how’s with an update on the takings , It’s deliberate designed to take advantage of the closing time crowd ,some still have the odd fiver but even they are taking amongst them selves about how there is little cash , These guys then physically intimidate Irish or English off the prone doorways , It’s crazy Any raised eyebrow are more than welcome to come on the rounds with me and I’ll show you in person , Tourists now cower in their hotels and privately Fortune 500 companies top brass tell me they will curtail investment here in cork and one notable company told me that instead of cork the moved an operation to Texas abs the staff were frightened , Fucking Texas like