Cork city has gone to the dogs.

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So nobody else claims the City has gone to the toilet?
It definitely has no question about it and will only get worse.

The Fakeugee's/Organised Beggars are all back around (no surprise warm weather)

On night's out I've seen foreign nationals try 'help' drunk girls or follow them even girls a group as they are in a group too.
These are by no means the doctors and nurse that we need and do welcome.

Open drug dealing and drug taking at every corner of the city and drug using in all the pubs and clubs.

As we saw kids attack a man accused of trying to follow a boy in Merchant's Quay yet there's posters here saying innocent until proven guilty and that a gang of teenagers attacking him in broad daylight is the issue.

People need to give their head a wobble and wake up.
Things can and only will get worse. Turning a blind eye now will lead to it getting worse and to the level of no return.
It definitely has no question about it and will only get worse.

The Fakeugee's/Organised Beggars are all back around (no surprise warm weather)

On night's out I've seen foreign nationals try 'help' drunk girls or follow them even girls a group as they are in a group too.
These are by no means the doctors and nurse that we need and do welcome.

Open drug dealing and drug taking at every corner of the city and drug using in all the pubs and clubs.

As we saw kids attack a man accused of trying to follow a boy in Merchant's Quay yet there's posters here saying innocent until proven guilty and that a gang of teenagers attacking him in broad daylight is the issue.

People need to give their head a wobble and wake up.
Things can and only will get worse. Turning a blind eye now will lead to it getting worse and to the level of no return.
Very scary alright.
Certainly not the City we grew up in.
Girls on nights out even in groups aren't safe anymore.
People off their heads on drugs during the day.
Street drinking will be an absolute disaster again.
Certainly get the feeling the Gardai have given up.
They've absolutely zero confidence in McEntee or Drew Harris.
We'll be as bad as the UK for violence in 10 years.
FF/FG have destroyed this country
This is what happens when people are continously allowed push boundaries.
The scum "ah shur, it's not New York in the 70s crowd" said people were overreacting.
Well, this is the result.
Junkie fucking central.
Would you have seen 1 needle 7,8 years ago?
Now look at that.
Think of how many people were off their heads on god knows when you look at each needle.
Absolutely shocking and disgusting

Won’t be going there with my family anytime soon
Such a pity

Alas that general area of the city has been going to hell in a handcart over the last few years. I'd say from Vincents Bridge, to the Mercy, out the Mardyke to far end of Fitzy's Park, back along the river and over the Mardyke Bridge to the Distillery Fields and back to Vincent's Bridge you'd see gangs of zombies hanging about, hiding their scobie dealing less and less - some of it are quite open and brazen about it. And AGS seem to have left them too it. :mad:
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