Cork Camogie 2022

Why are you comparing women to men in sport? We all know the obvious advantages men have physically.
I think we need to be careful and not allow PC to overshadow genuine comment. Women rightly demand equal treatment but criticism comes with the territory.

You can't expect camogie players to have the same S & C as hurlers but you do expect top level IC Camogie Players to master the basic skills of the game. For example top level lady golfers and tennis players have skill levels close to their male counterparts.

Looking at the semis and final of the camogie and ladies football recently - I was surprised at the relatively poor skill levels of some of the players.

Yesterday - many of the Cork players showed excellent skill levels and fitness but some were pretty disappointing for top IC players. Amy O Connor, Treacy, Looney, Mackay and others were exceptional but I noticed 1 Cork forward that lacked the basic skill set for this level. I was surprised also that 1 Cork Player was not able to run properly near the end - didn't seem to have the required fitness level

I wouldn't fully agree with Travis Bickle's comment but he has a point. I dunno why this is but perhaps better coaching at under age is needed.

Also looking at the Ladies WC finals - the quality, in general, is awful, especially as most are fully professional and well coached.
For a day that didn’t start out all that auspiciously what a great ending. Arrived at the Red Cow to see hordes of red jerseys only to discover Man U are in town. This brings relative chaos with it because with their ingrained sense of superiority they think it’s their entitlement to queue jump at the ticket machines and then the poor things aren’t able to operate them so everybody else is held up while Luas people are rounded up to help them. Look I know it‘s a personal thing but if we are ever taken over by a genocidal Pol Pot type with itchy fingers could we come to an agreement now that Irish born Man U fans who instinctively think of Cristiano Ronaldo when they see the initials CR and not Christy Ring and who completely surrender their sense of right and wrong at the Man U altar are put at the front of the queue for culling? Seeing as they love jumping to the top of queues anyway.

Anyway what a great performance from Cork. A real team effort. They were willing to put everything on the line to prevent any type of score. No stars. Anybody can have their day in the sun as Amy O’Connor did yesterday. They have been a work in progress all year but yesterday they perfected running through the lines and Waterford had no answer. They weren’t one dimensional either. Everybody had a role to play down to the subs. Every defender out there believed when they had the sliotar that the next play they made could contribute to a Cork score and that’s great teamwork.

Waterford don’t need anyone to patronise them but they are better than they showed yesterday. They have made great strides. Top players didn’t show yesterday. It happens. This should not be the endgame for them.

For what it’s worth which is nothing Laura Treacy has been standout for me all season as the leader of a very tight defensive unit. But every member of that panel and management team can be rightly proud of their efforts. Rebels Abu.
For what it’s worth which is nothing Laura Treacy has been standout for me all season as the leader of a very tight defensive unit. But every member of that panel and management team can be rightly proud of their efforts. Rebels Abu.
She was absolutely tremendous yesterday. Absolutely bossed it. You can't not pick Amy O'Connor as player of the match.... but Laura Treacy's contribution was huge.
She was absolutely tremendous yesterday. Absolutely bossed it. You can't not pick Amy O'Connor as player of the match.... but Laura Treacy's contribution was huge.
Agree fully with this. In most finals. Treacy would be a shoe-in for POTM. She was outstanding - her positional sense, ability to gain possession and use of the ball were simply amazing. If any coach wants to explain the nuances of centre back play, all he has to do is show the recording of this final.

Laura Treacy is a serious talent and it's good to see this being recognises
Agree fully with this. In most finals. Treacy would be a shoe-in for POTM. She was outstanding - her positional sense, ability to gain possession and use of the ball were simply amazing. If any coach wants to explain the nuances of centre back play, all he has to do is show the recording of this final.

Laura Treacy is a serious talent and it's good to see this being recognises
She's been playing like this all year. I'll be stunned if she doesn't get POTY.
Laura Treacy or Saoirse McCarthy are POTY in my opinion.

Saoirse had unreal performances against KIlkenny and Galway. She was quite in the AI Final by her own high standards but was sick during the week by all accounts
Laura Treacy or Saoirse McCarthy are POTY in my opinion.

Saoirse had unreal performances against KIlkenny and Galway. She was quite in the AI Final by her own high standards but was sick during the week by all accounts
I actually said to the kids during the game that I thought she might be sick. She has lightning pace but couldn't get away from players the way she normally does.
Agree she had a great year as well.
She was absolutely tremendous yesterday. Absolutely bossed it. You can't not pick Amy O'Connor as player of the match.... but Laura Treacy's contribution was huge.

Treacy gave some performance alright, absolutely lorded it. Healy midfield has some engine on her, she ran, chased , tackled, broke up the play right up until the last seconds. Amy had a dream day, what a performance to give on the biggest day.
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