Compulsory Irish in Schools = A Mistake

Rejuvenating the language on the pretext of national values, culture i.e nationalism, enforcing a doctrine, no choice, all synonymous with right wing politics?

And as you oppose all the above I can only assume you have moved to the left, you've only just stopped short of calling those who you disagree with Nazi's, Taliban is close enough I suppose. It's like you've had a Paulian conversion and become a full blown libtard over night.

Good post. It made me stop and think.
Indeed...the féasóg wearing extremist

This kind of c**t

That's me lads. Ye have me doxed. Administeoir_Y will be taking out An Bhean-hammer no doubt.

New Gaelcholáiste open in Knocknaheeny this week m8s. Demand was off the scale for it apparently.

No doubt the work of your favourite middle class libtard ABC1's no doubt. Typical Knocka.

Protests against it all week, lads in English Premier League jerseys all over the shop demanding equal access for the kids they don't pay maintenance for. They're upset because they can't afford the non fees.

Looking forward to the reductionist anti-Gaeilge spin.
Stand-up Comedy Club: Best Of Irish Comedy
The Roundy, Castle St.

8th Nov 2024 @ 8:30 pm
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