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Club transfers 2024

Spoke to a few Ross lads at work today and they say this is absolute nonsense, they've already got Cullinane from Bal and aren't interested in Jennings or any other Leap lads.

These lads are all on the Ross Senior panel btw
You would have to feel for Leap. Surrounding by football powerhouses, have no hurling and cant seem to break out of Junior even with a fantastic team the past 6 years or so are probably past it now with that certain team and probably dont have the same crop coming through. Jennings would be a loss but a lot like Gore have been going backwards the last 2 or 3 years playing a poor standard of Junior saying that a Junior title won with your own club with the lads you grew up wit is worth more than competing in Senior with a neighbouring club.
Have all these transfers been ratified and gone through? And are these players free to play now or must they sit out for 48 weeks?
These are all inter-club transfers under change of residence, return to home club, transferring to first club of father or transferring from a higher grade to a team below. List gets circulated to all clubs and parent clubs can object but would have to have good reason for doing so. County committee meets 13th Feb then to accept/reject transfers...
There's another list for players who are taking the 96 weeks inactive likewise intercounty transfers which is an online application now
Ben Mac Caoilte & Mike Hanrahan
The Richmond Revival, College Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork, P61 T292

8th Mar 2025 @ 7:00 pm
More info..

DJ Bdc

The Vicarstown, Today @ 11:30pm

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