Black Sun presents: Lithuanian Experimental Film

Black Sun presents: A Programme of Lithuanian Experimental Film

Saturday 20th October 2012

Black Sun Cinema presents:


A Programme of Lithuanian Experimental Film
in association with Tinklai International Short Film Festival (, Lithuania, and Solus Film Collective (, Dublin

Saturday 20 October 2012, 8.45pm,
Triskel Christchurch Cinema, Tobin St., Cork

Black Sun Cinema, in partnership with Triskel Christchurch, is proud to present a retrospective programme of Lithuanian experimental shorts from the ‘90s. These films, very rarely screened in Ireland, provide an eye-opening snapshot of a distinctive independent film culture in the process of defining itself.

Much of the programme highlights a tendency towards personal, poetic and formally adventurous approaches to documentary reality. The wordless, powerfully bleak yet pictorially exquisite rural worlds evoked in The Window (Julius Ziz, 1989) and Earth of the Blind (Audrius Stonys, 1992) will appeal to admirers of Bela Tarr, while Ten Minutes Before the Flight of Icarus (Arunas Matelis, 1991) offers a charmingly quirky glimpse of an urban neighbourhood in upheaval. The Black Box (Algimantas Maceina, 1994) confronts personal and national history more directly, albeit in a visually radical fashion.

Contrasting with the rest of the programme, the selection of hand-painted, hand-scratched films by artist August Varkalis plunges into visual abstraction: ecstatic, fast-paced cascades of pure cinema that make for intoxicating viewing.

Black Sun is delighted to announce that renowned Lithuanian filmmaker Julius Ziz will be present to introduce the screening.

The Window (Julius Ziz, 1989)
The Black Box (Algimantas Maceina, 1994)
Ten Minutes Before the Flight of Icarus (Arunas Matelis, 1991)
Earth of the Blind (Audrius Stonys, 1992)
Abstract films by August Varkalis (1995-2002)
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