A valid reason for bringing back the death penalty?

I'm just wondering what fellow PROCers think of this case, and whether it is a valid reason for bringing back the death penalty.

Now, I am personally against the death penalty for murders that are done in the heat of the moment - such as crimes of jealousy. Or a bank robber who's gun goes off by accident. That sort of thing.

Even a premeditated murder, that doesnt involve torture or cruelty - such as a hitman shooting someone for money - i would be against the death penalty for that.

But in this case, I'm certainly all in favour of it. (same goes for the likes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley...)

Am i being unreasonable? What's your opinion on this one?

It's just that I think we've gone too far as a society - you can get a life sentence for stabbing yer husband in a crime of passion - and be locked up with the most evil sadistic bastards on the planet - who are also in for life. I think we need to differenciate between murder types.. and the most extreme , such as the case below, being one that has the death penalty.

here's the BBC version


here's the daily mail version

A toddler was battered to death after blunders by doctors, social workers and police allowed the abuse to go unchecked for months.

The 17-month-old suffered appalling injuries while in the care of Haringey council - the authority criticised over the death of Victoria Climbie eight years ago which was meant to have brought in safeguards to prevent future cases.

The boy's mother, her boyfriend and a lodger were convicted today of involvement in his death but were cleared of murder because it could not be established who had struck the fatal blows.

Baby P, who cannot be named for legal reasons, suffered more than 50 injuries. He was paralysed from a broken back, had eight fractured ribs and 15 wounds to the mouth.

He was seen 60 times by health and social workers in the eight months before he was found dead in a blood-spattered cot at his North London home.

The child had been on the council's child protection register for nine months.
The one and only reason I'm against it is that mistakes are made.

In this case however, even I would find it difficult to argue against it. Two of them must be protecting the one who did it, so in my opinion they all should carry the can.

The wickedness of some people astounds me.
No. Only time death penalty should be allowed is when a country has a democratic revolt against a brutal dictator and its own people can hang the bastard (Romania 1989), or when a brutal war mongering machine and its leaders/planners are defeated by the armed forces of the countries they invaded (Nazi Germany).

Everything else is just pandering to the Daily Mail mob. In general, the introduction of the death penalty is cancerous to the legal system.
No. Only time death penalty should be allowed is when a country has a democratic revolt against a brutal dictator and its own people can hang the bastard (Romania 1989), or when a brutal war mongering machine and its leaders/planners are defeated by the armed forces of the countries they invaded (Nazi Germany).

Everything else is just pandering to the Daily Mail mob. In general, the introduction of the death penalty is cancerous to the legal system.

sorry - but i'm not part of the "daily mail mob"... so your assumptions are wrong in this case.
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