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  1. S

    Winter is coming

    So it is..
  2. S

    The Tree of Life

    saw it last night, thought it was amazing although I'll be damned if I could articulate why, still thinking about it. Anyone else seen it/thoughts?
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    Paddy Power now bigger than Bank of Ireland The difference of course being that one entity entices people to part with hard earned money with the promise of good returns while in fact exposing that...
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    You owe me 100 Euro

    You know who you are, unfortunately I've forgotten. 5000 posts was the bet and to keep it real. Well, it's been 8 years. Who were you again? I'm 22 away and I want a nice dinner next Saturday night... (cue someone honest...)
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    The Times rewrites rugby history

    they obviously pay a lot of attention to Irish rugby :)
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    Which sci-fi geek are you?
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    Crystal Swing are the bees knees?

    I may have just become a little older, or too removed from home.... Or have things gotten so dire back there that this 'crew', although of admitted limited talent, are a sensation? Wow. Help me understand what I may be missing...
  8. S

    Happy Christmas you mad fucks!

    ...I mean it. Goodnight.
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    The decade in review

    started with Bush fucking the voters, ended with Tiger fucking everybody else. (courtesy of Andy Borowitz)
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    Jean-Michel Jarre

    Just listened to Oxygene for the first time in about 15 years....used to listen to it as a kid when my parents were into him. Outstanding stuff, way ahead of his time.
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    Even Hitler is upset
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    We should just declare war on France

    ...surely that'll prick up some ears no?
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    Ou est le centre de georges Pompidou?

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    Read a great joke here the other night...

    ...half a bottle of cab in me, can't remember it or the thread, do remember distinctly thinking it was the best joke I've come across this year. AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh ! hate that
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    Why is this the 'Angst Forum'?

    seriously, why do so many people get bent out of shape here? Don't get me wrong, it's all amusing but the langers Forum is a relaxed day at the beach in comparison. The Current Affairs Forum is pulse level 55. Eamon Dump-me said recently that sport is here to distract us. Seems to have gone...
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    V - the remake

    Just watched the pilot,suppose it was alright. Then again I remember the original when I was a smallie. Reptiles were scarier then plus I see little lizards all the time hiking and biking where I live now. Yer wan from Lost is in it though so I'll go another episode....don't get me wrong the V...
  17. S

    Could the US break up?

    I'm beginning to think so myself. Here in CA (or at least the Bay Area) we're happy to have sent Team Bush packing and elected an intelligent (and non-white) president. But man the loop-the-loops coming out of the woodwork the last few weeks, allegedly upset about healthcare reform but really...
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    Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?

    Can be amoeba on a small moon or mad lizardy guys with rayguns, doesn't matter, simple yes or no please.
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    Watching the news in the US

    Why bother?
  20. S

    saw the men in black last night

    driving into town to pick the missus up, we live in a hilly section, above town windy roads, round the corner from our gaf two very new looking large black SUV's, US Govt plates, tinted windows double parked outside a house, ten yards away at the corner a black clad individual on a black...