H H happy Aug 28, 2008 This is weird. So what do i get for befriending ya? Are you going to make it worth my while or what. I like shoes and handbags!
This is weird. So what do i get for befriending ya? Are you going to make it worth my while or what. I like shoes and handbags!
C C Ciotóg Aug 27, 2008 You're the only one in the circle I didn't leave a message for today. Here it is.
T T Tube a Pringles Aug 26, 2008 I met a guy today that claims to have knocked Jon Bon Jovi out cold in the schoolyard.
T T trasnanadtonnta Aug 20, 2008 Howya, Paddy. I was just out your way there and I said I'd call in to you for a minute. Give me a cup of tea, will ya?
Howya, Paddy. I was just out your way there and I said I'd call in to you for a minute. Give me a cup of tea, will ya?
L L Lostmeringtopaddypower Aug 20, 2008 And the amazing things is: I just had a slab of leberkäse. In der Semmel. You scare me.