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  • hi missus, don't know when you requested friendship cause wasn't on much for a while,
    but am only too pleased to accept.
    do you have sld? i can post it if ya want. actually if there is any tunes you are after let me know and if a have them i'll post em. although your collection is probably better than mine. have to hit the sack now, work in the morning, unfortunately. talk soon.
    chocolate city - love songs. that was one of my favourite tunes in there. amazing. it rocked the place. that and slam - positive education. when i started going in there in 1993 slam was being played and it just blew me away. ha ha at slow teddies. i must be slow cause it took me a sec to realise what you were on about.
    yip i do agree tho but was just gonna give it to ya coz i thought it was u lookin for it, but yip i know the score ya thats a great tune and another one that blew me mind was chocolate city love songs by deep dish - oh christ!!! i actually have a clip in slow teddies of the lads playin lets be young
    no i have a couple of mixes of it. tbh i wouldn't post it myself cause it's fairly new and i just think that when they are still available that it's wrong to send them on. that's only my opinion though, i certainly wouldn't get odd if someone posted something new. i think that tune is something else though. last time something blew me away like that was Quentin Harris - Let's Be Young from a few years back.
    Doh! i was caught snoopin. thought i had that tune but it seems to have disappeared.
    put up a request and hopefully someone will post it. cheers for the orbital tune, superb, hadn't heard it in years.
    Ha ha made me laugh that, thats exactly what my little boy says, and twenty two is twotey two....lol
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When Harry Met Sally
Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St.

14th Feb 2025 @ 6:00 pm
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Tim Mullane

The Welcome Inn, Tomorrow @ 10:30pm

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