
The spots to park your bike is a fair shout. Especially for the older guys I know who'd be happy out with an electric bike. I'd say you could give it 30 minutes before its robbed or some scumbag kicks the wheel in.
Option A - Use the cycle lane and have a relatively stress free day.

Option B - Don't use the cycle lane, demand your rights, belt out the girly screams and give the lycra a daily tanning.

Tough choice innit?
Pootering along a cycle lane doesn't suit some cyclists, they're entitled to be on the public road without being subjected to frighteningly close passes by thugs in vans.
The spots to park your bike is a fair shout. Especially for the older guys I know who'd be happy out with an electric bike. I'd say you could give it 30 minutes before its robbed or some scumbag kicks the wheel in.
I agree. But one of these guys was calling for an indoor bike park in the city centre.
This whole “cars have them so why not bikes” (for free), dominates their thinking.

Nobody cares.
It’s just another self appointed lobby guy along with “Cork Cycling Crew,” and “The Cork Commuters Coalition.” They’re mainly nerds and eco-mentalists.

“We could be like Utrecht,” is a well known catch cry. Unfortunately for them the reality is that there is little or no support for these content generators in the real world as indicated by the total lack of use of cycling infrastructure. Some online guy was waffling about the lack of “bike parking” facilities in the city recently.

Nobody really takes them seriously.


Green party thinking:

Nobody's using the cycle lanes.

Build more.

So much this. He is just one cyclist putting up videos but the amount of angry, dangerous motorists he shows up is frightening.
I'm not making excuses but people driving are usually under savage stress due to the poor state of our infrastructure and the huge volume of traffic now on our "roads". The old situation of "leave 5 minutes early" sadly rarely works any more due to selfish people blocking junctions/ hatched junctions/ T junctions etc. etc ad. nauseam. We are all products of the dreaded Rat Race (Terry Hall RIP).
Pootering along a cycle lane doesn't suit some cyclists, they're entitled to be on the public road without being subjected to frighteningly close passes by thugs in vans.

The people giving out about these cyclists are usually 'Law and Order' types.
They will be the first to condemn scumbags doing scumbag things, immigrants being deported, and people on the dole claiming benefits, but when a driver does something clearly dangerous that threatens the life of another road user, it's quick-fire victim blaming.
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22nd May 2024 @ 9:30 pm
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