
I'm not sure if you are aware that as you go up (heading west) George's Quay there is a cycle lane on the extreme left, and two lanes for traffic. From the left hand traffic lane at the junction you can turn left into Mary Street, straight ahead into Sullivan's Quay (the route I was taking), or right onto Parliament Bridge. The cycle lane in Sullivan's Quay that they entered was on the right hand side of the road as you're heading west.

Basically they came at speed from my left hand side, crossed in front of my bonnet, all to get into a cycle lane on the right hand side. It was a dangerous and reckless manoeuvre that any right thinking person would condemn.

But of course the usual cycle nutters want to find fault with what I did by sounding my horn. Why on earth is it behaving like a thug to sound your horn? Should car manufacturors the world over be informed to remove car horns because some cyclists find them to be thuggish?

Easy to see some cyclists don't even understand the rules of the road, let alone adhere to them.
I guess you're talking about the right hand lane at Nano Nagle bridge on Sullivan's Quay. There's no cycle lane on the right from Parliament bridge It's pretty much car parking spaces on the right from Parliament bridge to Nano Nagle bridge.
I guess you're talking about the right hand lane at Nano Nagle bridge on Sullivan's Quay. There's no cycle lane on the right from Parliament bridge It's pretty much car parking spaces on the right from Parliament bridge to Nano Nagle bridge.
You're right, there is a cycle lane all the way up on the left. Why the nutter felt the need to come from my left and cross right in front of me to cycle further up Sullivan's Quay is a mystery but they probably thought I was going right over Parliament Bridge like the car in front of me. It can be a dangerous junction so everyone needs to be alert, and that cyclist certainly shouldn't be carrying out the manoeuvre that they did. If they'd colided with my car then they'd have been 100% at fault and they'd have been the ones more seriously injured.
Friends of mine were going to Kinsale on Sunday morning. They said that there were scores of cyclists on the road more than 3 abreast and knowing rightly they were causing traffic build up behind them. But they just didn't care.

In fairness I was coming back from Roberts Cove the other day and three cyclists who had been abreast pulled in to single file to allow me and another motorist past but they seem to be the exception rather than the rule these days with the weekend mamils

The same group are down my neck of the woods every Saturday causing traffic chaos.

Waste of time engaging with them, you just get swore at , middle finger etc.

Will call the cops on them the next time I encounter them as I know their route.
A right bunch of ignorant f*ckers.
But what can the cops do? 40 or 50 mamils in Tour de France gear on bicycles acting the browl. It's impossible to identify exactly which of them were cycling on the edge of the road and which were two, three, or even four abreast.

That's why individual identification is anathema to cyclists. The ones that behave like c**ts prosper in the anonymity afforded them by their fellow cyclists.
But what can the cops do? 40 or 50 mamils in Tour de France gear on bicycles acting the browl. It's impossible to identify exactly which of them were cycling on the edge of the road and which were two, three, or even four abreast. That's why individual identification is anathema to cyclists. The ones that behave like c**ts prosper in the anonymity afforded them by their fellow cyclists.

Throw out a few forty euro fines.
I'm not sure if you are aware that as you go up (heading west) George's Quay there is a cycle lane on the extreme left, and two lanes for traffic. From the left hand traffic lane at the junction you can turn left into Mary Street, straight ahead into Sullivan's Quay (the route I was taking), or right onto Parliament Bridge. The lane in Sullivan's Quay that they entered was on the right hand side of the road as you're heading west.

Basically they came at speed from my left hand side, crossed in front of my bonnet, all to get into a position on the right hand side - thought there was a cycle lane there and that's why they did it but no, their cycle lane continues up Sullivans Quay and they could and should have stayed in it. It was a dangerous and reckless manoeuvre that any right thinking person would condemn.

But of course the usual cycle nutters want to find fault with what I did by sounding my horn. Why on earth is it behaving like a thug to sound your horn? Should car manufacturors the world over be informed to remove car horns because some cyclists find them to be thuggish?

Easy to see some cyclists don't even understand the rules of the road, let alone adhere to them.
Anyway, you had enough reaction time to blow the horn but you didn't need to slam on the brakes? Looks like your perceived threat is overinflated again and you just love blowing your horn for whatever reason.
Anyway, you had enough reaction time to blow the horn but you didn't need to slam on the brakes? Looks like your perceived threat is overinflated again and you just love blowing your horn for whatever reason.
I slammed on the brakes first. I sounded the horn subsequently. Again you're trying to "victim" blame. The cyclist was in the wrong but you're trying to put the blame on me for their atrocious behaviour on the road. And it's a pretty common trait amongst cyclists. "It MUST be the motorist who was in the wrong (even when it isn't)":(
I slammed on the brakes first. I sounded the horn subsequently. Again you're trying to "victim" blame. The cyclist was in the wrong but you're trying to put the blame on me for their atrocious behaviour on the road. And it's a pretty common trait amongst cyclists. "It MUST be the motorist who was in the wrong (even when it isn't)":(
It's the first time you've mentioned the brakes, you just seem to be mad about your horn. Not victim blaming at all kiddo. If in fact you had to slam on your brakes because of his maneuver, yes, the cyclist is a prick.
I slammed on the brakes first. I sounded the horn subsequently. Again you're trying to "victim" blame. The cyclist was in the wrong but you're trying to put the blame on me for their atrocious behaviour on the road. And it's a pretty common trait amongst cyclists. "It MUST be the motorist who was in the wrong (even when it isn't)":(
What was the point in blowing the horn?
Starve Acre
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25th Sep 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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