Recycle / Re-Turn

Anti Green Party types tend to come from an older demographic, if you see anyone on here raging against green policies you can bet they're at least 60 years old.


' It would also mean up to €65m in euros has yet to be claimed by consumers'.

As expected this is just a money spinner for Re-Turn.

Must be some 'operating costs'.

The elderly, those in rural communities, the disabled and people who just dont want the hassle aren't buying into this scheme. The department wont publish the take up numbers for the first 3 months

A double jobbing , unnecessary, effectively additional tax that has served to drive up prices across the board in a period of high inflation.

The weather is sorted because you've to pay an extra 1.50-2.00 on a pack of childrens juice drinks. 🙄

F*ck the Greens. High tax, screw the consumer A-holes. Cant wait to recycle them.
Stiff Little Fingers
Cyprus Avenue, Caroline St.

15th Aug 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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DJ Ed Zeppelin

Fred Zeppelins, Tomorrow @ 9pm

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