Immigration Thread

Because of their 50+1 strategy, they have made zero meaningful attempts to reconcile with unionists, because they feel that by fucking their way to a UI, they don't have to even try. You should have a look at social media for the threats to unionists by nationalists. We'd be storing up a barrel of shite by having anything to do with them.

It's a case of 50+1 and if you don't like it, you can go or be forced back to the "mainland". There were 18 peace walls back in 1998, now there are in the region of 60, totalling over 34kms.

And in education, 93% of children are segregated.

Can you point to another Democracy or even another mathematical paper or indeed anything else where more than 50% does not constitute a majority?

The people doing the threatening apart from a few of Dissident republicans the majority of those issuing treats since the GFA and calling for violence are the PUL community, as they like to dub themselves.

As for 93% of education being segregated - which side of the border are you talking about?

There's nobody saying they're to be forced out - a federal arrangement is far from disenfranchising those in the north. But the unionist veto is gone dear. And it aint coming back
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2nd Jun 2024 @ 11:00 pm
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