Cork Hurlers - Part 2

Damo has to come in , brings a Warrior type variant specification and allows MC to conduct operations int he Quarter Back Role.
Kingston on with 20 mins off the Cuff and white boots leading Limerick a merry dance . Need i say Lehane could start if we have Groundhog/toiler/Farmhand in along side him.
your best work yet 👏

'farmhand' in particular gave me a good laugh
Damo has to come in , brings a Warrior type variant specification and allows MC to conduct operations int he Quarter Back Role.
Kingston on with 20 mins off the Cuff and white boots leading Limerick a merry dance . Need i say Lehane could start if we have Groundhog/toiler/Farmhand in along side him.

Deploying Damo in the Defensive Guard role would give MC the protection he needs at Quarterback alright, it might even be worth bringing in TOM in the Tackle role.. good thinking. In that case I'd go with Kingston and ROF as the two wide receivers, and DF at 11.

Go Cork Rebels
Deploying Damo in the Defensive Guard role would give MC the protection he needs at Quarterback alright, it might even be worth bringing in TOM in the Tackle role.. good thinking. In that case I'd go with Kingston and ROF as the two wide receivers, and DF at 11.

Go Cork Rebels

Jimmy and MOE, their interest piqued with someone having a tackle role, are volunteering for the tight-end gig! ;)
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