Batsh*t Crazy Green Party

I'm all for the introduction of wolves if it can be shown to be workable but if it did happen farmers or other hunting enthusiasts would have them all shot before any of them got the chance to breed.

I'd like to see some of the poorest farming land rewilded by all means, it's a great idea.

I'm all over that idea. We sink carbon, start to catch up with our neighbours on conservation and stop wasting money on a pointless venture. Farmers can get paid as rangers, conservationists and stewards of the land.
I’m done with these nutters.

On the last word proposing €7 an hour parking charge for Dublin city centre.

FUUUCK. You fucking people are all the same. Drastic fucking action has to be taken on every front, but the second something might impinge on your privileged lifestyle you throw the toys out of the pram.

Fuck you, Donald trump, fuck you.
Who are you going to by note for so?

Tou haven't a good word to say about any party.

You cranky old man.
Probably some independents. It’s the one thing I agree with Drucker on.

The environment is important Rox, but every time I turn on the radio I hear some Green Party rep completely dismissing people’s concerns.

Coopers point that people need their cars for shopping was waved away with “pay for it”.

They talk about great public transport and that sounds good. But have you been on the Luas in the middle of the day? Good luck taking your shopping on.
FUUUCK. You fucking people are all the same. Drastic fucking action has to be taken on every front, but the second something might impinge on your privileged lifestyle you throw the toys out of the pram.

Fuck you, Donald trump, fuck you.

Drastic action is being taken. Homes are becoming energy efficient, so are cars. We’re moving to electric, remeber?

These fuckers are giving us a choice of walk, cycle or use a shitty public transport system?

Queued up in the wind and rain for 45 minutes recently, waiting for a bus in a shitty shelter recently?

Cos I have. Privileged me hole.
Drastic action is being taken. Homes are becoming energy efficient, so are cars. We’re moving to electric, remeber?

These fuckers are giving us a choice of walk, cycle or use a shitty public transport system?

Queued up in the wind and rain for 45 minutes recently, waiting for a bus in a shitty shelter recently?

Cos I have. Privileged me hole.

You think that's drastic? That, my friend, is some middle class privileged horseshit.

I cycle in whatever weather it is. I bring a change of clothes with me. I don't think that's a big deal, tbh.
You think that's drastic? That, my friend, is some middle class privileged horseshit.

Okay then, let’s all go back to a pre industrial agrarian society. That drastic enough?

Because that’s what it seems they want. Then how are we going to produce enough energy and food to provide for eight billion people?

Yeah, we’ll tax them to go to town.

That my friend, is a bullshit policy that won’t work and just gets up people’s noses.
I'm all over that idea. We sink carbon, start to catch up with our neighbours on conservation and stop wasting money on a pointless venture. Farmers can get paid as rangers, conservationists and stewards of the land.

Did you know that some farmers now keep a few donkeys on their disadvantaged area farms just to be able to claim some EU payment?

These would be farmers who don't have cattle obviously but who want to keep claiming premiums.

If this donkey loophole is done away with then all these animals will be surplus to requirements.

So donkeys are suddenly in demand for the very worst reason, it wouldn't take a genius to see the potential for huge animal welfare issues arising from this.
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Okay then, let’s all go back to a pre industrial agrarian society. That drastic enough?

Because that’s what it seems they want. Then how are we going to produce enough energy and food to provide for eight billion people?

Yeah, we’ll tax them to go to town.

That my friend, is a bullshit policy that won’t work and just gets up people’s noses.

Yeah, meanwhile the planet is burning.

A reckoning is coming pal and it's going to sweep you away.
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