The next Government

Who will form the next government

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In his executive summary, the Ombudsman for Children Dr Niall Muldoon said the State is failing to meet its commitments and obligations to children with disabilities and in State care as well as not providing all the school places required.

"Children's issues are fighting for Government’s attention at a time when there is a housing crisis, a cost-of-living crisis, an international protection crisis, and when all our public services are under increasing pressure," he said.

I'll wait for Snacky and Liam to explain how this is SF's fault. Take yer time lads.
Anyone with half a brain can see the country is broken.
Rules out the blinkered, lowlife, dragged up shills on here.
Relax fella.

There's loads wrong with this country, but it's still better than most of the rest of the world
It's not actually.
@SimonHarrisTD should stop and read replies given to him by @roinnslainte before he regurgitates them in the Dáil.

Taoiseach, Liam has not seen his spinal consultant since March 19th despite his mother @pamdennehy escalating her concerns about her child with @CHI_Ireland.

How can you stand in the Dáil and state prep for surgery is continuing when Liam has not been reviewed by Orthopaedics since he deteriorated & required admission to hospital ?

This makes no sense.

Liams pre ops completed Feb “24.

This should be called out as an example of the chaos that exists for children accessing #scoliosis care
It's not actually.
@SimonHarrisTD should stop and read replies given to him by @roinnslainte before he regurgitates them in the Dáil.

Taoiseach, Liam has not seen his spinal consultant since March 19th despite his mother @pamdennehy escalating her concerns about her child with @CHI_Ireland.

How can you stand in the Dáil and state prep for surgery is continuing when Liam has not been reviewed by Orthopaedics since he deteriorated & required admission to hospital ?

This makes no sense.

Liams pre ops completed Feb “24.

This should be called out as an example of the chaos that exists for children accessing #scoliosis care
That is awful, and disgusting in a modern wealthy country, no argument.

But there are country's where having a child with a disability is seen as shameful and you're expected to hide them away. I only know this because I spoke to women with children with disabilities who came here in the hope of their kids having a better life

There are also country's where young women have their genitals mutilated when they get to 11 or 12 years old.

There are country's where women are so poor their only option is to become sex workers to help their family's eat.

Or country's where young kids are forced to become part of a militia or see their family's killed

There are huge massive problems in this country,

Children's mental health services
Shite public transport

To name a few.

And I think the current government are fairly rubbish. But it's still better than probably 90% of other country's on this earth.
Anyone with half a brain can see the country is broken.
Rules out the blinkered, lowlife, dragged up shills on here.
In my 52nd year. We are seeing the death throes of the politics that has existed since the free state.
30-35% still voting as they always have.
No vision that lasts longer than the next GE.
Which facilitates the narrative that most of the things that are broken are multiple term issues that can't be resolved from one election to the next, providing a get out of jail card for the government (any government).

We need a new politics and probably new party(ies).
In my 52nd year. We are seeing the death throes of the politics that has existed since the free state.
30-35% still voting as they always have.
No vision that lasts longer than the next GE.
Which facilitates the narrative that most of the things that are broken are multiple term issues that can't be resolved from one election to the next, providing a get out of jail card for the government (any government).

We need a new politics and probably new party(ies).
Eventually you would think that the politics would catch up with the needs of the people who are always way ahead of politicians on many areas of concern and more progressive.

Areas like housing and infrastructure are finally starting to be made long term funded areas rather than Govt term to term short slightness and at the mercy of political whims and unreal promises (We will build 300,000 houses compared to your 280,000 houses nonsense and no one will have to pay for anything) that has been a balm at election time.
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That is awful, and disgusting in a modern wealthy country, no argument.

But there are country's where having a child with a disability is seen as shameful and you're expected to hide them away. I only know this because I spoke to women with children with disabilities who came here in the hope of their kids having a better life

There are also country's where young women have their genitals mutilated when they get to 11 or 12 years old.

There are country's where women are so poor their only option is to become sex workers to help their family's eat.

Or country's where young kids are forced to become part of a militia or see their family's killed

There are huge massive problems in this country,

Children's mental health services
Shite public transport

To name a few.

And I think the current government are fairly rubbish. But it's still better than probably 90% of other country's on this earth.
For the money spent it is an absolute kip.
The shower currently running the show are up there with the biggest shower of cowboys in the history of the state.
And that's saying something when you think of the scum we've had in power previously.
Harris acting tough, acting as if FG weren't in power when the tented village on Mount St sprung up all of 2 months ago.
Leo, Coveney, Fatty O Brien.
They've destroyed lives.
A deficit in supply of 250,000 homes.
Record homelessness.
Record child homelessness.
Record hospital waiting lists.
In 2024 people are emigrating as they can't afford housing.
It's absolutely shameful.
All the rats are deserting the ship now.
The last time Coveney did anything of note was when he tweeted about Brian Cowen sounding drunk on Morning Ireland around 14 years ago.
That isn't a kip to you?
The Irish people are generally decent.
They deserve better.
For the money spent it is an absolute kip.
The shower currently running the show are up there with the biggest shower of cowboys in the history of the state.
And that's saying something when you think of the scum we've had in power previously.
Harris acting tough, acting as if FG weren't in power when the tented village on Mount St sprung up all of 2 months ago.
Leo, Coveney, Fatty O Brien.
They've destroyed lives.
A deficit in supply of 250,000 homes.
Record homelessness.
Record child homelessness.
Record hospital waiting lists.
In 2024 people are emigrating as they can't afford housing.
It's absolutely shameful.
All the rats are deserting the ship now.
The last time Coveney did anything of note was when he tweeted about Brian Cowen sounding drunk on Morning Ireland around 14 years ago.
That isn't a kip to you?
The Irish people are generally decent.
They deserve better.
Agreed, all of that is terrible.
Waiting lists to get into fee paying schools
SUVs all over the place
Multiple holidays per year
Restaurants packed over the week end
Things cant be that bad.
Waiting lists for kids with additional needs to get school places as there are no spots available.
A deficit in supply of 250,000 homes.
68% of 18 to 34 year olds still living at home with their parents.
Record homelessness.
4000 children homeless.
Tented cities springing up in our capital city.
An immigration plan that is farcical.
An explosion in those using food banks who are also working.
Children going missing/being failed by the State.
Kids going to bed hungry.
Adults skipping meals as it's either heating or eating.
Things are atrocious.
We need a general election.
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