The MIA PRoCcer thread.

Pointy deserved what he got. He posted where I worked (and gave the address) and threatened to call into my workplace to accuse me of being a pedo. He also threatened my life on several occasions.

You're a fool if you think he deserved otherwise. And what are you pretending to Dan that you know me off-board for? I met you once for five minutes.
What did you do to him to make him so mad?

Pointy deserved what he got. He posted where I worked (and gave the address) and threatened to call into my workplace to accuse me of being a pedo. He also threatened my life on several occasions.

You're a fool if you think he deserved otherwise. And what are you pretending to Dan that you know me off-board for? I met you once for five minutes.

The paedo reference brought it all back - you and others rounded up on Pointy making suggestions about him and kids - never saying it outright, but close enough to get the point across - knowing full well that he was involved in coaching kids - you reap what you sow. I reported posts on it at the time - only time I've ever reported a post on here. And I believe a handle of yours was banned.

Pretending I know you off-board - what the actual fuck are you on about. The extent of our interactions is a few minutes in the Well if I recall many many years ago?

Sur didn't you threaten to dox Dan on here as well - you're a fierce man for the aul doxing so you are.
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The paedo reference brought it all back - you and others rounded up on Pointy making suggestions about him and kids - never saying it outright, but close enough to get the point across - knowing full well that he was involved in coaching kids - you reap what you sow. I reported posts on it at the time - only time I've ever reported a post on here. And I believe a handle of yours was banned.

Pretending I know you off-board - what the actual fuck are you on about. The extent of our interactions is a few minutes in the Well if I recall many many years ago?

Sur didn't you threaten to dox Dan on here as well - you're a fierce man for the aul doxing so you are.
Honestly, I'm beginning to think you don't have a clue about what's going on most of the time. When did I threaten to doxx Dan?

No, no-one "round up" on Pointy making "suggestions" about kids. I remember lots of posters saying that if those kids' parents knew what he was up to on here, they wouldn't be happy having them involved with such a vicious psychopath, though.

Maybe you can clear up the extent of our familiarity with Dan. He's suffering from the impression that you know me off-board.

And if you're so indignant about doxxing, what about the time Dan doxxed ExileOnPatrickStreet?

I was well within my rights to get revenge on Pointy after he posted the address of where I worked (when I was in a very small workplace in a public-facing job), and if you have anything more to say about it, let's just meet up and you can buy me the pint you never returned in the Well.
You might be confusing that with the whole posting a picture of a shit in a box (like a pizza box) episode back in the day.

If so, that was Mr.Mister who had to emigrate to Galway in the end. I believe he's now very happy there.

That reminds me, remember the fella undertaking the mammoth Road trip to Galway a few years ago? I heard he was eventually eaten by a bear just outside Gort
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