The Action Plan for Housing.

If a development was granted planning permission before May 2021, then the rules stopping bulk buying didn't apply. They were brought in as planning guidelines with conditions attached to the planning permissions that homes couldn't be sold to corporate entities. You can't apply planning conditions retrospectively, and Eamon DeValera's "right the property" paragraph in the constitution ties our hands on doing pretty much fuck all else about it.
If a development was granted planning permission before May 2021, then the rules stopping bulk buying didn't apply. They were brought in as planning guidelines with conditions attached to the planning permissions that homes couldn't be sold to corporate entities. You can't apply planning conditions retrospectively, and Eamon DeValera's "right the property" paragraph in the constitution ties our hands on doing pretty much fuck all else about it.
It's scandalous.
An absolute kip of a country.
Those houses should be permanent homes for people.
€3k+ per month to rent a Dublin.
They bought the 46 houses for €456k each. How can a young couple afford that? Never mind paying €3k net on rent.
It's scandalous.
An absolute kip of a country.
Those houses should be permanent homes for people.
€3k+ per month to rent a Dublin.
They bought the 46 houses for €456k each. How can a young couple afford that? Never mind paying €3k net on rent.
Eoin O Broin is a disgrace.
The massive price hikes in materials is a major factor.

Steel, wood, plaster board , etc has in many cases more than doubled in the last 36 months.

The huge demand for second hand homes is as much evidence of the prohibitive of cost of new builds as the scarcity of supply.
And a severe lack of available tradesmen. Unfortunately the 'derelict' grant is ramping up the price too
200 appartments to be built on the sextant/ careys site, that was the original plan but was changed to offices but now back to appartments.
That was great to see. Aside from the fact that housing is now needed much more than office space, the residential scheme was a far better design.

I'd imagine the rents will be fairly mental, but as mad as it sounds there's actually a massive shortage of expensive higher end apartments for rent in Cork. 400 to 500 hundred people renting there means space is available for others in more affordable rental properties.

With Horgans Quay kicking off (LDA backed) and the site by Marina Park looking like something is happening (not stated but likely LDA backed as well) we're eventually getting some decent level of apartment development in the City. OCP likely to push on with the Gouldings site too you'd imagine.
Pierce Turner
Coughlan's, Douglas St.

17th Oct 2024 @ 7:30 pm
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Tony Milner

The Welcome Inn, Today @ 10:30pm

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