Stuff that headbangers believe

The Tucker Carlson broadcast from Moscow from a few months back captures the whole American conspiracy woke-is-evil scene very well.

Jon Stewart picks it apart brilliantly in this very funny episode:

The draw of conspiracy theories and the anti-woke, anti-foreigner narrative is that it distracts from the horrendous inequalities in societies that cause it. Billionaire media tycoons and their billion dollar advertisers pushing the message that the real enemy is the woke/gay/trans/immigrant/cyclists and not the fact that, for example, Musk has more money than 273 million Americans put together.

Twitter shakes your confidence in absolutely everything that is supposed to be solid. Real journalism, real science, centrist politicians, peacemakers and people who understand compromise and the realpolitik of a social democracy. The message on social media is that you can't trust anyone. Nothing is as it seems. Everything is connected.

That seeps into everyone's thinking and you keep going back for more of it, whether it's social media or politically biased TV channels or newspapers.....and they make billions from it. For the likes of Matt LeTissier, Jim Corr or Gemma O'Doherty they get completely consummed by it and while it's funny to watch, it's also kind of tragic.

We should be addressing it at government or EU level but we're years behind the tech and media companies who are diving societies with this shite. A brilliant suggestion I read recently was that social media companies are forced to turn off their "recommended" algorithms so they can't push relentless negative content at users. I signed up for TikTok last year out of interest and within a few minutes I was being fed endless videos of fights in Dublin and people roaring at brown people. You can feel the adrenaline pumping after a few minutes. Deleted the fuck out it!
i heard from a lad at work today that the baltimore bridge collapse was by a ukrainian lad who’s a russian sympathiser. the US were about to give $60bn to ukraine to fund the war so your man ran the ship into the bridge in one of america’s largest ports to help slow down the economy.
Just a mad thought.
You know you can click unfollow on social media so you don't see what these 'headbangers' post.
My twitter feed consists of sports scores and tweets.
Not one post do I get from headbangers.
To me it's like they're an irrelevance.
Which is exactly what they were before social media.
Imo most of this is fuelled by headbangers getting upset by headbangers.
Maybe revise the way you engage with social media?
I deleted my Twitter account about 3 years ago but you’re right about starving them of attention.

I remember seeing Clapton at live at the marquee in 2005, he was fantastic and quite affable with the crowd too

Edit: Clapton had a few unsavoury views around Enoch Powell back in the 70s
Oh dear just googled that. That’s not all. Bowie expressed support for fascism and admiration for Hitler 🤦‍♂️
You never believe this actually what people don't believe, posters on Twitter saying the out of Africa theory of human migration is fake & debunked, no it is not. Incredible.🙄
Just a mad thought.
You know you can click unfollow on social media so you don't see what these 'headbangers' post.
My twitter feed consists of sports scores and tweets.
Not one post do I get from headbangers.

To me it's like they're an irrelevance.
Which is exactly what they were before social media.
Imo most of this is fuelled by headbangers getting upset by headbangers.
Maybe revise the way you engage with social media?

You must have a better Twitter rating than me so. Ever since Musk changed it to X twitter has been a nightmare with all kinds of weirdos turning up on my timeline and sports discussions just seem to jump all over the shop. It used be a brilliant source of up to date news on teams and scores and player news etc, now it's got a lot of ads, weirdos, and headbangers. Not to mention porn tweets too.
You must have a better Twitter rating than me so. Ever since Musk changed it to X twitter has been a nightmare with all kinds of weirdos turning up on my timeline and sports discussions just seem to jump all over the shop. It used be a brilliant source of up to date news on teams and scores and player news etc, now it's got a lot of ads, weirdos, and headbangers. Not to mention porn tweets too.

You know you can mute Jimmy and MOE, right?!
Just a mad thought.
You know you can click unfollow on social media so you don't see what these 'headbangers' post.
My twitter feed consists of sports scores and tweets.
Not one post do I get from headbangers.
To me it's like they're an irrelevance.
Which is exactly what they were before social media.
Imo most of this is fuelled by headbangers getting upset by headbangers.
Maybe revise the way you engage with social media?
Which platform are you referring to? Most people don't do that in general so the change has to come from the other side.

Twitter feeds you content from accounts you don't follow if it thinks you might read it or watch a video. It doesn't give a shit if you "like" it or not. It only cares about increasing the time you spend on the platform. If it sends you down a rabbit hole or makes you hate or fear foreigners, it doesn't give a shit as long as you keep watching, reading and scrolling.
Cork Pride Parade
Grand Parade, Cork

4th Aug 2024 @ 2:00 pm
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