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Daryl Dixon 2/10 Highly recommending to anyone who at least once in their life was in France, to have a laugh on how this country is seen by Americans :)
Sounds like shit.

The film sounds like shit or the fact that people were crying at it is shit ?

89% on Rotten Tomatoes
The film sounds like shit or the fact that people were crying at it is shit ?

89% on Rotten Tomatoes
The story behind the family, the Von Erichs is extremely depressing. 6 of the 7 kids died before their father, 3 by suicide. I heard an interview with director last week and he said he left out the stories of two of the kids because the film was depressing enough already.
Tom Ward
Winthrop Avenue, (@ Old Oak), Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork

1st Nov 2024 @ 7:00 pm
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Cork/Brittany maritime Residency Exhibition

Triskel Arts Centre, Today @ 1pm

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