Holly Cairns Appreciation Thread

Good speech and good delivery. Good Points. No token words in irish. No mention of the North. No mention of the Good Friday con job. Bad Points Gaza given too much promenance. No mention of what Hamas did to Israel. No condemnation of Hamas leaders living in luxury and opulance outside Palestine. Overall there will be a Holly bounce and he sent will be secure.
Good speech and good delivery. Good Points. No token words in irish. No mention of the North. No mention of the Good Friday con job. Bad Points Gaza given too much promenance. No mention of what Hamas did to Israel. No condemnation of Hamas leaders living in luxury and opulance outside Palestine. Overall there will be a Holly bounce and he sent will be secure.
Speaking of opulence https://www.independent.ie/irish-ne...wice-the-size-of-average-home/a433678485.html
Give her 10 to 20 years and all that will be left is the bullshit policies.
Fuck her and her bullshit party.
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

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