
The Garda Commissioner was appointed by Public Representatives and answers to the Minister of Justice.
If your boss at work wasn't doing their job or listening to serious issues employees had what would happen?
All the staff would leave business would go bust, however most Gardai cannot leave as they have no other training or degrees and would struggle to get a job.

That same former Commissioner you're using as an example, what happened him?
Not using him as an example at all. Contrasting scenarios. He openly attacked a serving Garda and no motion of no confidence for what essentially was treasonous behaviour.

The Garda Commissioner can only work within the budget he’s given by the Government. Their anger is severely misplaced.
No nap today? Pity it may have stopped you make a gombeen of yourself against.
You are terrorist loving, defender of disgusting atrocities and some some one who attacks the victim of rape at the behest of your cult. My position as any sane, normal individual will always be contrarian to yours.
You are brainwashed and a vile, pitiful 🤡
Why the need to be the center of attention in absolutely every thread.
That’s not what I’m doing at all.

And yet you posted "The Garda Commissioner is not a public representative." which is exactly the "excuse" Harris had used as though that's somehow relevant.

It's not just Public Representatives that get votes of No confidence. In fact people in private positions can receive votes of No confidence. So why Harris, and you, would make such an irrelevant statement as "The Garda Commissioner is not a public representative" is a bit of a mystery.
Not using him as an example at all. Contrasting scenarios. He openly attacked a serving Garda and no motion of no confidence for what essentially was treasonous behaviour.

The Garda Commissioner can only work within the budget he’s given by the Government. Their anger is severely misplaced.
Change the goals posts.
No point in a debate here.
And yet you posted "The Garda Commissioner is not a public representative." which is exactly the "excuse" Harris had used as though that's somehow relevant.

It's not just Public Representatives that get votes of No confidence. In fact people in private positions can receive votes of No confidence. So why Harris, and you, would make such an irrelevant statement as "The Garda Commissioner is not a public representative" is a bit of a mystery.
He’s right though. And he’s not there by a mandate other than the one he’s received from the Government.
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