Arab/Israeli conflict between Syria, Palestine & Israel

The disturbances in Jerusalem the last 2 Ramadans the blame lays firmly at the door of the Israelis without question and uncalled for.

Will there ever be a chance of Peace again like there was in the mid 90s where you had a Hawk like Yitzak Rabin who crossed the divide and made a deal. Of course he met his end at the hands of the Right Wing who Are as equal in their hatred as Hamas. Even Ariel Sharon who is vilified due to his military past saw the benefit of a negotiated solution but failed.

Was Arafat ever serious about his part in the peace accord he signed, subsequent to signing there was a series of Bus bombings across Israel and Arafat only stepped in after Sharon pleaded with him on the Eve that Rabin was assasinated.

Chance was lost then probably never to be repeated.
I chose to believe that peace will one day come true.
Looking forward to Irish and other international mercenaries heading over to Palestine to fight against Israel like with Ukraine against Russia.
An old women has been reported killed by Israel and all you care about is laughing about spelling mistakes, shame on you and you are on record of saying you don't care about the Palestinians you are very much demonstrating it to everyone.
What's the story with the stray rocket your terrorist friends fired in Jabaliya?
Rob Lamberti - A Celebration of George Michael
Cork Opera House, Emmet Place, Cork

8th Oct 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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