2023 Premier SHC

The sooner Bishopstown get relegated the better. They offer the championships absolutely nothing. They've been hanging around like a bad smell for the last 7/8 years. If they were Junior A, they'd have regraded to junior B long ago
I think O Neills will be kicking themselves after that
Oneills are bang average and won’t survive too long at senior. Dalton only producing from frees in 2 senior games . They seem to be overrated just because john Horgan & co. In the imokilly Echo can’t see beyond that division when it comes to cork hurling and they get plenty of publicity.
Oneills are bang average and won’t survive too long at senior. Dalton only producing from frees in 2 senior games . They seem to be overrated just because john Horgan & co. In the imokilly Echo can’t see beyond that division when it comes to cork hurling and they get plenty of publicity.
Dalton got some write up for his performance in the Charleville game. Outside of the goal he barely done a thing of note in general play.
Oneills are bang average and won’t survive too long at senior. Dalton only producing from frees in 2 senior games . They seem to be overrated just because john Horgan & co. In the imokilly Echo can’t see beyond that division when it comes to cork hurling and they get plenty of publicity.
John Horgan cover every base with his predictions,
The Complete Stone Roses
The Oliver Plunkett, Oliver Plunkett St.

1st Aug 2024 @ 8:00 pm
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Mick Grace Duo

Seventy Seven, Tomorrow @ 6pm

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